Wednesday, February 24, 2016


Pepper and her master, Ken
Bess and Nellie’s tall friend Pepper (Ken’s dog) seems a bit accident prone. She’s an enthusiastic – even exuberant – dog, and sometimes she moves too quickly for her own good. A couple of weeks ago she tore a gash in her leg. Most recently, she tore her ear on barbed wire. Seems like it’s always something, poor dear.

Ken & Pepper; Mike and Nellie
The other day Ken and Mike took the dogs for a hike, and Pepper showed up sporting a colorful cone, which just adds an encumbrance to her space. Anyway, they had a good hike and nothing bad happened.

Yesterday Nellie wandered off to visit the horses across the street and carried some of that aroma home with her. Discussion ensued between Mike and me, and Nellie knew what we were talking about. There was no way around it -- she had to have a bath. 

"Bath time. Who wants to be first," called Mike, and to our surprise both Bess and Nellie presented immediately at the tub. Ordinarily Nellie is timid and Bess hides, but this time they were both eager. Bess had first bath, and then it was Nellie's turn. They smell so clean!!! KW


  1. Was the cone to keep her from doing further injury to herself?

  2. Mike can't remember the exact reason Pepper wears the cone now. Ordinarily the cone is to keep the dog from licking the wound and pulling out stitches, but her latest wound was to her ear. You wouldn't think she can reach it.

  3. What's with the colored portion of the cone? That looks custom. Did Ken and Ginny do that so that the cone wouldn't scratch things if Pepper bumped into them? A dog with a cone is a pretty sad sight.

  4. The cone just has a fancy colored rim. Well, Pepper didn't let it get her down or keep her from enjoying the hike.

  5. I think wise old Nellie wanted a bath and knew how to make it happen.

  6. She knew how to make it happen okay! My initial problem was to convince Mike she smelled bad. Finally he caught a whiff of her. "She can't go visiting smelling like that!" he said. So true -- but my thought was, "She can't live here smelling like that!"

  7. Actually Ginny did decorate the cone.

  8. Oh really! I didn't hear that. I just saw pictures and took them.
