Wednesday, March 2, 2016


Up until about three years ago I filled my time between the end of hunting season and time to go to the farm with tax preparation – 9 years as a job and a final one as an AARP volunteer.  When I retired from that endeavor I needed something to fill that three or four month time space.  I have always been very close to my dogs and I know I share that sentiment with a lot of folks.  So I hit upon the idea to take my dogs on regular visits to care facilities.

Thus Dog Daze was born.  I began contacting facilities in the area to see if that would be a welcomed volunteer service.  I found that it was so I began lining up regular “clients”.  Each facility receives a weekly visit for the three months or so that we are still in town.  I made 70 visits last year and I'm on schedule to do at least that many this year.  It is extremely gratifying to see how much the visits mean to many of these folks and the dogs enjoy it as well.  Bess handles most of the load but Nellie still visits some of the smaller facilities on occasion. 

I apologize for the quality of some of the pictures but there was considerable action. M/W


  1. I wondered if you were still doing this and am glad to hear that you are. What a great thing for those people to get some doggie loves.

  2. Bess has a nice soft coat and a strong appetite for attention. She's perfect for the job!

  3. Bess is an enthusiastic "meeter." Her whole body wags when she sees someone. She is just sure everyone wants to know her. She has no self-esteem problems.
