Friday, May 20, 2016


"Snow in Summer" blooms; never plant cactus

The consistent reader will know that last Thursday, May 12, Mike set out on his “Great So-Cal Adventure” only to return home by 3:00 p.m. His GPS units (both of them) had failed, and as this trip was planned around geocaching the California counties, GPS functionality was imperative.

MW leaving last week
Upon return, Mike immediately rescheduled his motel reservations. Then he spoke with support techs at Garmin who helped him identify and remove corrupted files, which seemed to correct the problem.

Leaving last week
Next, he tackled getting our TV system fixed. On Monday a service tech arrived and exchanged our old receiver for a new one. We were due, he said. As the staycationer, I was most grateful for the fix.

Altogether, I think we were really better prepared and more rested this week than last. However, for the traveler, it appears the weather last week was probably better.

Leaving this week (looks just like last week)
So, at about 6:00 a.m. yesterday (Thurs., May 19), Mike donned his motorcycle duds, kissed me good-bye, pulled on his helmet, and with a mild-mannered wave, headed out. Unfortunately, the camera initially malfunctioned – but there he goes – heading off into the place of the sunset.

And here we are – the dogs and I. Once again I’ve cleaned the kitchen counter for my sewing projects and the table for scanning slides. I’m also crocheting one of those quick two-day projects that end up taking two years – or even five. Just this evening I ripped out three rows to correct a heinous error, so instead of gaining three rows I’m only back where I started.

I was going to re-write my staycation “to do” list, but it still looks like fun. And of course, there are the rewards to look forward to. In fact, since the trip was postponed, the gifts have already begun to arrive – a Shark “light and easy” steam mop and a small travel craft tote. (I’m still searching for the perfect town to farm sewing tote. I don’t know why it’s so hard to find.)

Update: Mike called late in the evening from his cousin’s in Salem. He reported that he began to experience GPS problems again not far from home but continued to Salem anyway where he bought a new cord. If that doesn’t correct the problem, he will turn homeward when he reaches Grant’s Pass. Stay tuned . . . KW


  1. We planted some snow in summer in our rock wall. I think it's very pretty, but they're still small. We also planted something with little pink flowers. I like the colors together but the pink plant is scraggly and I had hoped it to be a more subtle cascading plant. We may have to make a swap for something else.

  2. The snow in summer will take off and be beautiful. Eventually some of it may die back a bit and you'll control it by pulling it out. I don't know what the pink plant is, but if you don't like it, you can find something else. BHG.com might be helpful in identifying useful plants. For drought-tolerants, I use High Country Gardens. And of course, there are many other online options.
