Tuesday, May 24, 2016


It’s now clear that this staycation is largely uneventful – and that’s good! But it doesn’t give me a lot to write about.

Today I performed some household chores and prepared for a meeting. (Yawn . . .)

I finished Nina Ballerina’s new tutu. This is the first effort and a little disappointing. However, I have lots of tulle and satin in my collection. I’ll try again. The ric-rac trim is from her original tutu. The leotards were made from ladies’ trouser hose.

I continued scanning slides. These were taken by my mother’s brother, Francis (Uncle Porkie) Portfors, so today I’m sharing some of those from the early ‘50s. I just can’t put into words what it means to see these pictures, especially of my grandmother, Nina Portfors. I don’t have many snapshots of her.

Mike called before supper needing my assistance to find new coordinates for the “master” cache, meaning he had to find it or all his finds in this “one in every county” game would be useless. I looked the “cords” up for him on my trusty, ever-available laptop. Then he called later to report he had found that cache, but instead of being in a special place, as one might expect, it was just a spot beside the expressway and disappointing. Well, the trip and its events are his story. He said he didn’t sleep well last night and was tired today.
Hannah Hutenan, Sara Portfors, Kathy Dobson, Nina Walrath, Dorothy Dobson
I had a text message from Mike’s sister wishing me a happy anniversary in my aloneness. Hallie also called, and we laughed about my being alone again on my anniversary. It’s okay, you know. Mike and I will make it up to each other. And I am enjoying those staycation gifts. Today I received fat eighths (quilting fabric), and four books – a history of old-time radio programs, vintage embroidery designs, a book about aprons, and one on doll clothes. Fun! But – I have five days to go and only one staycation gift yet to be delivered. Not quite sure what to do about it.

Farrol Joan Walrath
I can honestly say I’m keeping myself busy. The time drags but also flies, if you know what I mean. It becomes tedious with just dogs for company. They push me around a bit. Like last night while I was talking to Hallie – both Bess and Nellie kept nudging me, getting on my lap, getting in my face and gazing intently into my eyes. “What?” I kept asking. Finally they curled up on the pillow with an air of resignation. Nellie even gave it her best snort. It didn’t dawn on me until two hours later that they expected a dog treat for having successfully completed the evening walk. I can be such a ditz! KW


  1. Aunt Nina's dress is tres fashionable!

  2. Love the photos! (Yes, I'm slowing getting back to my computer and my brain.)

  3. We have missed your presence, Chris, and it's good to have your comments again. I know you have been busy.

    Hallie -- Joni's coat is also interesting.
