Thursday, July 28, 2016


I arose at 5:30 a.m. to a beautiful sunrise. It was 67 outside and 80 in the house. I got dressed, had a quick bite to eat, and took the dogs for the longest walk the neighborhood affords.

Late morning I headed over to Harriet’s condo. We selected several piano duets for Christmas. I am to practice and return at a later date so that we can play them. After completing our list of activities, we went to Red Lobster for lunch. As we were finishing, Mike called to request my assistance with a list of caches on his computer, but I couldn’t because I wasn’t home.

After lunch, Harriet and I deemed it too hot to pursue other plans. As I drove home, I made the mistake – force of habit – of exiting the bridge onto the river highway where road construction is still in full swing. There I was in the heat, waiting with 50 other vehicles for the pilot car.   Arriving home, I found that UPS had delivered my staycation rewards – the Dept. 56 figurine and the Granny Squares book. Also, the mailman brought an order of doll shoes. I keep a few on hand to complete the doll outfits I send to Emmy.

I’m still conflicted about ordering more rewards. “This is silly,” I say to myself. Or, “This is expensive!” So, today I ordered a Halloween color book from Amazon and called it good.

It was near suppertime when Mike called again and I was able to access the info he wanted. He sounded more than tired – worn out with this work in the heat. I don’t think he’s having fun. Shouldn’t it be fun? It CAN BE fun to geocache, but staying out all day in the heat with no respite and sometimes without adequate water isn’t fun – or safe. I encouraged him to cut it short and come home. He said tomorrow would be better. KW


  1. I love packages! I have a few coming soon myself even though Dan is home now. I'm not much of a brick and mortar shopper, rarely going to the mall (really, I probably go about five times a year), so I've almost convinced myself that my on-line shopping is less than many people spend on an in-person shopping spree.

    And I agree--Mike's trip doesn't sound like fun. I hate being too hot.

  2. I think half the fun of online shopping is the delivery of a package. We rarely get interesting mail these days. We have to make our own fun. I used to think I liked to shop the mall, but I admit I don't much any more. I just don't see anything with my name on it -- because there isn't much for my age and shape -- anywhere. And yes, some of us go to the mall and come home with a car full of goods. I've never done that. As much as I talk about buying my "rewards," I'm not a compulsive buyer.

    Sometimes, though, I wish I could see before I buy.
