Saturday, July 30, 2016



Thursday was another hot night. I got up around midnight when it was still 80 outside and turned off the AC. I know -- some people leave the AC on 24/7, but it’s a noisy unit and I like to be able to hear. At 5:30 Friday morning, it was 65 and 80 in the house. At 6:30 I turned on the AC and we left for the walk.

Nellie was having an energetic day and I let her have some freedom. She climbed the bank and disappeared over the top, but soon I could see her again. Bess found an old tennis ball and wanted me to toss it for her. I had to convince her that we should focus on walking.

I boxed the Cinderella dress for mailing  – and I mean boxed. I wish I could create a better presentation, but presentation probably matters more to me than Emmy. By 8:15, I was on my way to town. It didn’t seem like there were so many shoppers, but when I checked out, I noticed that they were in earnest – stocking up early before it was really hot. Large orders were ahead of me and cashiers were limited. I was home by 10:30 and the thermometer hit 100 at 11:15. (I see by the local paper that the official high does not register as hot as the thermometer at my house. Never mind – it’s hot.)

Then I admit it. I took the rest of the day off. This is the last staycation day. Tomorrow afternoon Mike will arrive, so I’ll spend the morning doing things I should have done before. But today I made granny squares while I sipped my Diet Coke. I also checked out another old buffalo, determined next steps, and decided to finish it at the farm where I have a large embroidery frame.

Tonight Mike called from Burns, Oregon. He hurt his back on Monday – which I knew – and says he won’t be good for much for a while. (I certainly don’t want him to be in pain, but you know – he hasn’t been here all week. . .) He’s 350 miles from home and we both know it’s going to be a long, hot trip across barren central Oregon tomorrow.


It was 65 when I got up and 79 in the house. As the sun rose, so did the outside temp. Last night I turned the AC off when I went to bed. It was still 83 outside.We had the usual morning walk and then two of us napped while the other one worked.

And then there was a tapping at the door, and I knew what that meant. The mailman had delivered my last – and most important – staycation gift. And here she is! -- the "My Imagination" doll by Tonner Dolls. Her very presence lends an air of the magical. Yes, she’d love a Halloween costume, she said. Could she have a fancy witch’s outfit? While this doll has a hard vinyl body, she isn’t mid-century slim. She looks like a little girl – and that’s as it should be.
Mike arrived at 1:45. Bess and Nellie were so happy to see him. Well, I was, too. Now for those “end of trip” tasks – unpacking, cleaning the motorcycle and equipment, putting things away, doing the laundry, etc. But Bess and Nellie think we should go to the beach. KW


  1. Oh! She's beautiful! And she'll be so fun to sew for! Glad Mike is safely back home. :-)

  2. Cute doll! Yes, those look like restless dogs.
