Monday, November 7, 2016


I was in the process of writing a frivolous Halloween post last Monday when I received the sad news that my sister Harriet unexpectedly passed on at the age of 86. We had no warning and apparently she didn't either. Such happenings put life in perspective. If she had to go, it was a blessing that she didn’t linger. I know she would say so. We had been "cyber sisters" these last few years, visiting every day through email. I will miss her dearly but she's forever in my heart, and I have no regrets because she knew I love her. Time to move on. Harriet would want us to.

Mike and I spent a wonderful Halloween weekend at the Gilbert homestead where we were NOT visited by ghosts, goblins, vampires, or monsters – not even fairy princesses. At least they didn’t allow themselves to be seen. Things were quiet.

Mike went out to hunt deer a couple of times – Friday evening and again Saturday morning, perhaps encouraged by the fact that our neighbor had a successful hunt Thursday evening (Oct. 27). He saw a distant deer or two, but it was wet and muddy and the growing rape crop makes hunting difficult if not impossible.

Oh – and by the way, with increased moisture, more and more of the rape is sprouting.

I was up early with Mike on Saturday morning and made two batches of jelly – elderberry with a touch of apple and then a mixture of service berry and elderberry.

That’s just a short update. My focus in the sewing room of my mind was to make Halloween outfits for the dolls in my display. I only sorta finished one, a party dress, modeled here by Maryellen. I have a black ribbon for her hair, but it’s of no consequence now. There’s always next year . . . KW



  1. Good morning Kathy,

    I am sorry to hear of your sister's passing. My prayers are with you.

    Here in Colton we had only a small number of neighbor children to treat. We were fortunate that our grandson brought msH in her horse costume (made for her by her great-gran [me]) for us to see. msH came with her friend Evelyn (her folk's friends' daughter) with her. It was so nice to see little ones having a good time, even if they were quite not sure of why they were getting candies.

    I have been working on my quilting & sewing, plus a bit of knitting & spinning. I've not had a lot of time as my sibs & I are still dealing with the long process of cleaning out my folk's place in preparation for the disposal of the land. Sadness of an era coming to an end.

    Have a good autumnal season & enjoy the not so bad weather while it is here.

  2. How lovely to hear from you, Dr. Molly. It made my day. You are in my thoughts as well. I know from experience that this is a difficult time.

    We had no children to treat at our town house. Our street is really dark and that discourages the little ones.

    My Mike was just saying that here it is the second week of November and we're still having hot afternoons. It does cool quickly as the sun goes down, though.

  3. We get no trick or treaters here and I have to say that I'm thankful. I guess my days of jumping up and answering the door all night are over and my legs are glad. It was fun when the kids were little, though.

    These nice days are perfect for Dan to be able to get the leaves up here and at mom and dads. He worked until after dark yesterday (so glad the mower has lights!). Back to M&D's tomorrow for more work.

  4. There was only one "real" trick or treater here. A friend stopped by with her two kids, but since they intentionally stopped, it seems like a no-count.

  5. I think it's lovely that a friend stopped by with her children. That's the most special kind of trick-or-treat. And perhaps that's the kind of trick-or-treating they were doing. I think I'd count them.

    And Chris -- Hang in there. I know it's busy times for you, but it's so good to hear from you.
