Tuesday, December 13, 2016


This post is a continuation of yesterday’s. On Sunday, December 22, 1946, my grandmother, Ina Dobson, traveled by train from Orofino, Idaho, to Portland, Oregon, arriving there Monday morning. She rested that day, but the next day, she and her daughter Lynn (Myrtle) shopped downtown Portland for supplies for their Christmas dinner.

We got a small young chicken, ripe olives, cranberries, huge filberts, and some holly sprigs to add to our supplies at home, making it complete. About noon we went into Mannings (tea and coffee importers) who have a fine lunch room and serve their famous coffee. We had Scotch scones and coffee at a little table and rested. Got home about 3:30, tired and happy. I had captured the Christmas spirit which had eluded me for some time past.

That evening we set up the tree and put boughs and sprigs of holly on the pictures and curtains. The tree had too many boughs for our purpose and so it furnished decorations too. We made the tree gay with stars, beads, and silver rain, then tied tiny packages and red bows of cellophane on to complete the picture. Other packages were piled around the tree which stood on the table in front of the windows in the living room. We retired late, and wished each other a Merry Christmas, for it was after twelve before we slept.

We arose late next morning, and after a leisurely breakfast and some clearing of dishes, lighted the tree with old fashioned candles. After admiring it for a while, we opened our presents.


  1. Do you suppose Lynn lived in a house or an apartment? How old was she?

  2. Well, she had her own quarters. I suspect it was an apartment. I think she was born in 1894, so she was 52 or so. I don't know where she was working at that time, but before too long, she will join Ina at the farm and serve as her companion / caregiver until her passing.
