Friday, December 16, 2016


This is a bright mild day as was yesterday. We’ve had scarcely any winter yet. The 27th of November had about two inches of snow which lasted about 24 hours. December 22 it began to snow and gave us about six inches, just right for Christmas. Christmas Day was bright and sparkling. Henry and Shirley didn’t come out till that morning for it had been blowing and drifting the snow badly, but they made it in all right laden with a barrel of flour we had stored down there, groceries, apples, candy, nuts, etc. You can imagine the hubbub.
Ina's Christmas tree, 1952

We held breakfast back for them and all enjoyed it to the full. Then a few more packages had to be wrapped, candles lit, etc., and we settled down to look at our beautiful tree, but Dad was uneasy so we couldn’t take as much time as we wanted and June’s drove up before we were done opening our gifts. The room was full of pretty packages it seemed. It was our usual “skimpy Xmas”!

Vintage wrapping paper

Henry and Shirley stayed over till Monday a.m. and we got up to about a foot of wet snow, so Dad hitched up the new team and hooked onto the car at the mailbox hill, and took them clear to the highway. He rode on the left fender hooking his right leg over the radiator cap.
Ina Dobson on Christmas 1937

Well, it isn’t bright or mild here in the Valley. It’s 23 as I write this and though not as cold as anticipated, it likely won’t be much warmer today and even colder tomorrow. KW


  1. Sorry I haven't been commenting, but I have been enjoying reading these visits with Ina.

  2. That's okay, Chris. It's lovely to know you've been reading.

  3. Plenty cold here, too! I do not enjoy waiting for my bus while it is cold, but the hat and gloves help a bit. We've seen a few snow flakes today, but I don't think anything will come of it.

  4. It's cold here -- 16 feels like 8. Mike and Clint have taken the dogs for a walk up Critchfield gulch. It's supposed to warm into the 40s by Wednesday. We'll see.
