Sunday, December 18, 2016


In December of 1934, Ina planned for a Christmas celebration with none of her children at home. Nevertheless, she "charged the lonely idea" and made Christmas for all who would come to her home.

Grandpa Jack Dobson with Dick, 1936

I may fill little boxes with sugared popcorn, nuts, candy for the tree just to make it livelier. Shirley sent me a box with paper tags, etc., and some small stick candy and nuts for the boxes. We send a crate of eggs to town about every two weeks and it keeps us in groceries. I got candy, nuts, oranges, grapefruit, etc. We’ll have to have some lettuce, celery, etc., come up for Christmas, too. Aunt is helping me by doing some of the cooking – pies, cookies, etc. Earl’s box has come and Myrtle’s.

I must close with love and all good wishes, though that doesn’t express it at all, it seems to me. Mother – hugs & kisses.

Our featured “card” today is actually printed on a sheet of paper, which was then folded to fit in an envelope. I think the picture is charming even if the overall quality of the paper isn't good. The text is a “prose poem” written by Walt Mason, as follows:
 Christmas Day
It is the day of kindness, and for this day we’re freed of all the sordid blindness of selfishness and greed; we have a thought for others, we’d ease their load of care; and all men are our brothers and all the world is fair.

This is the day of giving, and giving with a smile makes this gray life we’re living seem double worth the while. When giving we’re forgetting the counting-room and mart, and all the work day fretting – and this improves the heart.

It is a day for singing old songs our fathers knew, while gladsome bells are ringing a message sweet to you; a day that brings us nearer to heaven’s neighborhood, that makes our vision clearer for all that’s true and good.

On with the Christmas revels in cottage and in hall! While from the starry levels, smiles Christ, who loves us all.

[I had never heard of “Uncle” Walt Mason (1862-1939), but through the magic of online research, I found that he was a loved newspaper columnist of his era whose style was the “prose poem.” His column was syndicated and he was one of the most widely read columnists of his era, but I was unable to pinpoint his active years. I found this sketch (here) to give the most complete information. His book, Rippling Rhymes, in which "Christmas Day" appears, is available through Amazon. The Kindle edition is free. KW]

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