Tuesday, December 20, 2016


"A wintry landscape greets the eye wherever one may look." 2015

 A wintry landscape greets the eye wherever one may look, and we’ve had several cold days. Tonight there is a bluish look near the horizon that seems to presage a Chinook. Have had some two inches of snow and frost since Christmas. And speaking of that day, we had another of those awful “skimpy” affairs, which leaves us all wondering “where to put the new things, when we barely had room enough for the old!” Ethel Dobson Robinson on Christmas 1936
Is this Lynn's picture?
Kathy's picture, 2015

I got a picture of the house as the snow began to go. But we will have more, I hope. Myrtle (Lynn) Dobson, Christmas 1933

Real time – I don’t know if the warming trend we’re now experiencing can be defined as a “Chinook” or not. At any rate, after a weekend with highs in the teens and lows around zero, the predicted high for today is 45 with a wind advisory. Our driveway and street are slushy while the main road is just wet. But, more cold and snow is predicted, so I’m going out this afternoon.

Long story short, we have decided not to spend Christmas at the homestead this year. We’re concerned about the condition of our lane and the possibility of more snow even if we did get in. Frankly, I’m relieved. Our little town house will be cramped, but we have planned outings with family and friends, and if we need something, we can go to the store. Meanwhile, a snowy country Christmas exists in imagination. KW


  1. It is just fine to plan our Christmas gathering without the stress of packing things into the farm, and the question about whether we'll all make it in unscathed. Perhaps we'll get out for the post-Christmas clearance that we always miss! Nick is especially interested in ornaments...not just any ornaments, though. They must be special. ;)

  2. Hmmmm. Special ornaments. I've wondered what Nick would consider special. When I was a girl, the hardware store in our little town was also a gift shop, and they had beautiful ornaments. You could buy them by the box or individually. And they were special. And of course, the Crescent (department store) in Spokane had beautiful ornaments. When I lived in Boston, department stores had still had beautiful quality ornaments, but by the mid-70s, they began to disappear. I'm sure they're still available if you know where to look. Maybe Pier One?

    Yes, we can go out for the sales -- and also look online.

  3. I know where there are a lot of "special" ornaments. If Nick would like to come by and look through the many boxes of ornaments in the garage here at the condo maybe he could find just the special ornaments he is looking for........ :)

  4. Oooh! Thank you for the generous offer Becky! I think Mom will be in touch to coordinate a visit--we were hoping to see you while we were there, anyway. :)
