Monday, December 26, 2016


Your box came the day after Christmas and so prolonged it for us. I gathered them all around and all enjoyed the beautifully wrapped gifts and the verses on them. The holly decorations were so lovely, too. Shirley and Henry immediately began to further embellish the house with them. They took down the big etching over the mantel and hung the large cluster you made there and used the silvered branches over the other two. What a lot of time you must have spent on them and how beautiful they are. We reserved some and the ball sprays for our Sunday dinner decorations. We made a lovely centerpiece of holly and the sprays and candles and dined in state with the best cloth, dishes, etc., all by candle light. So don’t feel bad that yours didn’t get here for Christmas as we had more opportunity to enjoy it. As I said it just prolonged our festivities, really. Ina Dobson to her son Vance, Christmas 1936
Thank goodness for candles, greenery, poinsettias and such which help extend the season as the symbols of Christmas fade away. KW

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