Friday, December 30, 2016


You will receive my last letter of the old year – if the girls and “Pa” let me alone long enough to write one. They are no respecters of an honest scribe. We are about to dine off roast chicken “& dressing, kid,” baked onions & apples & onions, friend. “Plenty of onions, says you & I agree, but it suits me jaded appetites.” Ina Dobson to son Vance, 1934

The above seems to be a quote but I've been unable to locate a source, unless it's The Road to Oz by L. Frank Baum. Perhaps it's just a little joke between Ina and Vance. 

Real time update:
Daughter Hallie and Nick came for a holiday visit on Tuesday (Dec. 27), and just left a while ago (Dec. 30). While they were here, we fixed a traditional turkey dinner, played a game, exchanged gifts, went out for pizza with friends, shopped, carried a meal to Clint's house, and reviewed family pictures. Hallie ran and worked out, and Nick spent hours shoveling the snowy ice off our driveway and parking area. We also spent a lovely hour or so at Harriet's condo with Becky and L.J. (Harriet's children) reviewing Harriet's Christmas ornaments. Her mid-century ornaments were wonderfully preserved, and for me it was a trip down memory lane.

We woke up to a little more snow this morning, so more shoveling ensued. Temperatures are moderate again today, but the forecast is for another snowstorm on Sunday and then very cold temps next week. As Nick and Hallie were getting ready to leave, son Clint called and offered to go to the farm with Mike today to check on things. Today is the window of opportunity, so Mike accepted the offer. Bess invited herself along, so Nellie and I are here alone in a very quiet house. KW

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