Wednesday, January 4, 2017


“Vow to make 2017 the year you finish your unfinished projects,” said the email message from a quilting website. “Please join our Facebook group and finish your UFOs.”

“Oh no you don’t,” I said to myself. That was my 2016 resolution. I made a list of all my unfinished projects with the resolution that I would not start anything new in 2016. While I enjoyed some success with that, in other ways it was counterproductive to creativity. This year I’m returning to less restrictive goals.
I always write a few resolutions, and they have nothing to do with areas in which I traditionally fail – eating and exercising to lose weight. Those things I have always with me, and as important as it is to diet and exercise, the subject brings me no joy. My resolutions will probably just be a list in my journal of things I want to do. And it will be way more than I can do in a year, but you know, if I don’t make that list, it will be year’s end again, and I will have forgotten all about this afghan and that quilt, that apron I want to make out of this border print, and the lovely Cinderella ball gowns for the dolls. Where does the time go?

2016 was a difficult year for our family, but when I count my blessings, I count the little shed that we installed on the back of our lot last January. For the first time since we moved here, my stuff is fully accessible to me. I have been gradually putting away Christmas decorations all by myself, and yesterday I brought in two large bins of yarn which I sorted and organized.

Next up: A discussion of storage solutions prior to plastic. KW


  1. Oh, I was just thinking that perhaps I'm ready to say good-bye to the Christmas tree. Taking down the lights will likely wait a little longer. I don't want to do it in these freezing temps.

    This first week of the year is consistently my least favorite week of EVERY year. I wouldn't necessarily say that I'm sad, but I feel discombobulated. I lost my routine and it's a weird short week. I can't wait for it to be over. NEXT week will feel more like a real routine. *sigh*

  2. I agree -- the first week is difficult. I took my little tree down yesterday, but today it's so cold that I don't really want to make those back and forth trips to the little shed.

    I think it's too bad that so many symbols of winter, such as snowflakes, snowy scenes, candles, etc., are associated with Christmas, which actually sits at the official beginning of winter. We still have weeks of darkness ahead of us, and we should be warm and cheered.
