Tuesday, March 14, 2017


A March day in our 'hood -- Swallows' Nest Golf Course

Sunday, March 12, was a nice spring day. Mike went on a long afternoon ride with the cycling club. He had no sooner left, about 12:30, than the dogs insisted I take them for a walk.

“Okay,” I said, “but I’m taking the camera.”

“Again with the little black box,” said Bess.
“Let her take her toy,” replied Nellie. “While she fiddles with it, we get more time to explore.”
“She doesn’t let me take my ball,” Bess muttered.

County shop -- industrial clutter
I haven’t carried the camera much this winter because I was afraid of falling on the snow and ice. I can at least avoid taking chances with the camera. It’s hard enough to manage two dogs and a camera. And where we walk, it’s difficult to take interesting pictures anyway due to what I call “industrial” clutter.

Poles, poles, poles
I read an article a while back that discussed whether or not those big windmills are unsightly. The writer drew an analogy with utility poles, saying that we’re used to them now and no one thinks anything about it. “I beg to differ,” I screeched, to Mike’s amusement. “Many good vistas are ruined by utility poles.”

A good vista ruined by many power poles
Well, that’s today’s vent. It was good to have a pleasant day, but the rain has returned, resulting in regional flood watches. Clearwater County and now Latah County are requesting emergency status because of saturated ground issues and flooding. Mike remarked that he doesn’t even want to attempt to go into the farm. It’s mud season for sure. We could do more harm than good. 

Before I close, here's a photo taken on yesterday's walk. Bess saw them first -- a herd of mule deer. I estimated about 15. I kicked myself or leaving the camera behind, but I remembered I had my phone in my pocket. Yes, the deer are hard to see.

Coming soon -- another update on the dishwasher debacle. KW

1 comment:

  1. Love the doggie comments! They certainly have their personalities. Thank goodness Nellie is on your side. And further tales of the dishwasher debacle? Doesn't sound good.

    P.S. I agree--utility poles and windmills are both blights on my views.
