Saturday, April 8, 2017


Yesterday morning, as Mike was getting the dogs up, he called me to see the rainbow, the “old-fashioned” kind that actually arched the sky. I spent several minutes taking pictures before it began to rain.

Weatherwise, it was one of those spring days we so often see in March – periods of sun and clouds, rain and sun, and WIND. Big gusts of wind seemed to hit here and there from out of nowhere. In fact, Mike reported that during his afternoon bicycle ride he was broadsided by a blast of wind that blew him right over. I tell him he needs to put a little weight, but it’s no laughing matter. With his feet clipped into the pedals, he went over, bike and all. And while he had no scratches and bruises and was otherwise unscathed, he probably tweaked his back.
And today hasn’t been a lot better. In fact, just before noon I heard a distant “bang,” and then we were without electricity for several hours. My machine was embroidering at the time, and I worried that it might have sustained damage, but apparently it’s all right. It’s chugging away again.

The weekend promises to be quiet – and wet. Monday we’ll meet the plumber at the farmhouse to tackle our plumbing woes. I see serious housecleaning in my future upon completion of that work. That’s not a bad thing. I’d just rather do something else . . .

. . . like make doll clothes. This Easter outfit, modeled here by “Shirley Anne, American Farm Girl,” has now shipped to a little girl from “Great-Great-Auntie’s Scrap Bin.” The pattern is a favorite of mine from “Jelly Bean Soup Designs” through Pixie Faire. The fabric was left over from a pillowcase I made years ago. Underpants were essential for modesty. The shoes are a machine embroidery design with antique buttons from my mother’s button box. What? No Easter bonnet? Not this year. The bonnet, also machine embroidery, came to naught, but I’ll try again – and soon. 

Chris, my almost lifelong friend, and I have recently enjoyed renewing our childhood interest in dolls and sharing notes and tips on dolls and doll clothes. See her collection here. The collaboration is wonderful because it’s the sharing of ideas and within that, we each do our own thing. KW


  1. The weather has definitely been Marchy. Lots of trees down up here, but thankfully none of ours this time. It snowed yesterday!

    The doll dress is adorable! Beautiful job! And panties--I'm impressed.

    Hope Mike is feeling okay after his mishap. (And a question: why do so many bike riders keep their feet clipped to the pedals? It just sounds dangerous.)

  2. Dad might answer, but when your feet are clipped to the pedals, you can both push and pull the pedals for greater speed and power. The ones the have now are great because with a kick of the heel your foot is free. Getting knocked by wind will hurt no matter what pedal. I learned that the pedals will set you free in a crash, versus the old cage pedals that might hold on and twist you up with your bicycle.

    I hope Dad is feeling okay. It was spring cleaning here today. I washed the windows inside and out and scrubbed the floors on my hands and knees. I'll be asleep in a minute.

  3. The Easter dress arrived in the mail for the little girl. It is beautiful!!! The little girl hasn't received it yet but will this weekend just in time for Easter. And it is also great timing since Saturday (the 15th) is the her birthday. :)

  4. I completely forgot to mention how cute those dolly shoes are!

    And Hallie, I'm impressed with your spring cleaning. Too bad I'm not following suit. Maybe if the sun comes out and stays for a few days, the sight of all my dust will shame me into some work. :-)
