Saturday, April 29, 2017


Do you see Bess?
Let a day or two go by, and I'm challenged to remember what happened when.

Daffodils bloom in cleaned grove
To review, the drywaller came Tuesday morning as scheduled and said he would return the next day to do the work, postponing the work that Mike had planned for that day. So, he was forced to “make” some work, but that’s easy enough at the farm. First, he worked out in his barn gym in order to energize. Then he did yard work, such as hauling branches from under the trees in the grove to a burn pile. Later in the afternoon he drug an old bed springs over the lane to even the gravel. Yeah, I felt kinda bad not going out to help him, but I decided I didn't want to work outside in the rain, and if he did, that was his business.

In the process of my indoor activities, I discovered the faucet in the laundry room was dripping and everything stored under the sink was wet. I cleared and dried the area, but basically it was another job for Mike. He turned off the water and removed the faucet, which was broken anyway. As I always say, the good news is that it’s now clean under the sink. However, I decided to wait to put the stuff back until the faucet is replaced.

Mike texturing ceiling repair
Wednesday, the drywaller returned as scheduled, arriving just after 7:00 and completing the work by 8:30. Then we had to wait for the mud to dry before we could texture it. I baked a batch of oatmeal raisin cookies to put extra heat into the kitchen. After lunch Mike deemed it dry enough to add the texturing compound, but he didn’t have enough, so he had to go to Orofino to buy more, leaving me behind with the dogs. When the texturing was completed, we checked our old paint supply to see if we had the correct color. Naturally, we didn’t, but it was an opportunity to toss a lot of old cans and containers. I was pleased that the paint we used in the dining room was still good enough for a small touch-up.

Rape slowly begins to bloom
Thursday morning we were up and packing for the return to town. It was 36 degrees (but felt like 29). We drove out in a light rain/snow mix. On our way to the town house, we stopped at Sherwin Williams and were pleased that they could supply our old off-white “Coconut Colada” produced by Columbia Paints (now owned by Sherwin Williams). We oldsters were amazed at the cost of a gallon of paint -- $37.00 -- and that was the sale price! Mike also bought a new faucet for the utility room, this time a plane faucet instead of the spray nozzle which doesn’t work well in that environment.
And this is the sight that greeted us as we drove into our town house yard. The excavator has dug the foundation for his house, directly behind ours, as you can see.

This weekend I'm participating in my P.E.O. chapter’s annual rummage sale. More about that later. KW


  1. I do see Bess, and it looks like she's sprinting in your direction.

  2. And the paint price was with a big discount!
