Saturday, May 20, 2017


Volunteer hollyhock in foreground
Mike called mid-morning to say he was in agony with a toothache. He had been unable to get through to our dentist so asked me to call for an antibiotic. He and Sam would stay the night with my brother Chuck in St. George, Utah, so have the prescription called to a pharmacy there. (We know the drill. He had a course of antibiotics a few months ago.) As it happened, I had an appointment for my annual cleaning this morning so agreed to discuss the problem with the person in charge there. (It’s not the dentist, you know. It’s the gal at the front desk.)

The first thing I did was to call Chuck and get contact info for his pharmacy. So, when I stated the problem at the dentist’s office, Peggy said, “I could do that, but how am I going to . . .” and then I handed her my slip of paper. She was going to say she wouldn’t know which pharmacy or how to contact them, but for once I had correctly anticipated the need.

Yellow iris and hollyhock
So, I took care of that, had my cleaning, and then went shopping for something new to wear to the P.E.O. convention this weekend. Lest you think I put this off till the last minute, let me assure you it was not my first attempt to find something new to wear. It used to be so important, you know – having something new to wear to special events. However, I found nothing better than what I already have in my closet. I do see a few people wearing lovely outfits, but I don’t know where they get them, and for the most part, we’re not wearing pretty clothes these days.

Arriving back at the house, I discovered a package at the door – some yarrow plants I ordered last month from High Country Gardens. I don’t call that a staycation gift. They will have to be planted, and that's work -- for another day.

Bess & Nellie
With Mike heading home and the convention coming up, I began to plan how I will juggle the care of the dogs against attending convention events and making the house presentable. In the end I finished up a machine embroidery project. It was fun – a whole lot more fun than cleaning the house.

And then it came to light that a deposit I made a few days ago went to the wrong account, and I would have pursue this to find out what happened. I am not the family pursuer -- Mike is. But he isn’t here, and it wasn’t his error anyway. So, tomorrow is the day. KW

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