Monday, May 15, 2017


A faint rainbow this evening

With nothing much to differentiate them, the days are already blending together. At least today – Mother’s Day – I had messages and visits with my children and other family – heartwarming and sometimes poignant.

I had planned to go to town today, but in the end I just stayed home. I struggled to make a simple stretch knit bandeau (tube top) for Hazel. By the end of the day I had managed to save my two efforts, finishing with two bandeaux. Not much – but something.

I walked the dogs this morning and then again this afternoon. Nellie wasn’t up for it this afternoon, though she didn’t offer an explanation..

This isn’t much to say for a day that really had quite a bit going for it. Oh well. Tomorrow is another day.

[Don't miss the "little Tudor" update below.] KW

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