Sunday, July 23, 2017


Central Ridge on the other side of Little Canyon
Nellie -- still walking


Things start quickly with Mike in the morning. He’s outside first thing, and he might even walk the dogs before breakfast. I prefer a more leisurely approach to my day, but recently I’ve been trying to keep up with the morning routine that Mike and the dogs pursue. It’s so much more pleasant to walk in the morning than late in the day when it’s hot, though we walk then, too.
Cottonwood Butte in the distance

I usually take the camera along, just in case something unusual comes up – or more usually, in case the beauty of ordinary things strikes me.

And so, this is just a post to show some morning pictures, but I’m preparing another on serviceberries. KW
One day this old barn will be gone.


  1. Is Nellie wearing booties? She looks happy.

  2. Kathy. Thought I had posted this comment before, but obviously, I did something wrong. Anyway, you are right. Someday the old barns of the world will be gone. So will we. But thanks to your talent and persistence with your camera, your eye for beauty wherever you find it, and your willingness to share it with others, images of the old barns of the world will live on in many memories. Thanks to you.

  3. Richard, your comment was on the previous post, so that's where I responded. I'm pasting my reply here:

    Ha-ha! I admit that I didn't give that statement about the barn the depth of thought that you did. In the 15 years I've been trudging the road, the barn has become more and more dilapidated, and one day, I'm going to find it in a heap. Meanwhile, it lends interest to pictures.

    My mother liked to call the old homestead cabins in dilapidated state "summer homes." I thought of that because there used to be an old house in disrepair on the opposite corner.

    Thank you for your kind words. It's always good to hear from you.

  4. Hallie -- I'm not sure we remembered to put on her boots. I did make a set for her -- less than ideal.

    Nellie is always happy to go for a walk, especially in the cool of the morning. She pokes along here and there, exploring as she goes. Bess pretty much sticks to the path but gets out ahead of us.
