Wednesday, July 26, 2017


Harvesting on Little Canyon

Cut -- and uncut
Monday evening (July 24), we noticed a combine and truck parked at the top of Plank’s Pitch and just a little cutting in June’s field. No one was there. Tuesday morning we noticed a little more cutting had been done -- just a little. 

Harvest equipment from Pete's Pond
Yesterday afternoon (Tuesday) we found Farmer Kyle there, too, and he said he was ready to start harvesting the rapeseed but the header wasn’t working right. He estimated it would take three days to harvest our place, once he gets started. 

Combine without header
I love to watch them harvest, but many years it happens when we aren't here. I kept watching for the big combine to come around the corner of June's field where the road meets the lane. Nothing happened. But after lunch, as Mike and I were sitting on the porch, I happened to look south and lo and behold! -- there they were clear out at the canyon rim. 

So, harvest is happening NOW. KW


  1. Good show. Hope to see more pictures when they are near the house.

  2. Wish you were here to watch. If you had scheduled an August visit, you would have missed it. It's nearly noon, and I don't think they've started yet. We had a brief downpour about 10:00 but the afternoon will be hot nevertheless. I hope they can continue to harvest this afternoon.

  3. Oh boy! Freedom! Can you imagine all the places you'll walk? Across that field, then across that field. Maybe across that other field. Wheeee!
