Monday, August 28, 2017


A modern tractor "mows" the rape stubble behind the old barn.
Fall is on the way. Even if you don't want to hear it, it can no longer be denied.  And I'm okay with it. I'm a bit tired of the drill -- opening and closing windows, carrying water to vegetation that's struggling in the heat, breathing smoke and dust. And I look forward to decorating along autumn themes.

So, mornings and evenings are cool, but the midday sun can be downright hot. Not today, though. Today it’s smoky and windy and maybe even overcast. It’s so smoky that I can’t really tell if it's overcast or not. The forecast says it might rain today – or maybe tomorrow, but I watered my gardens anyway because whatever rain we get won’t be enough.

Parked in June's field
The photos here are mostly of our farmer doing whatever. We think he just made a wide fire break around the neighbor's field to the north. You would have to tell me what that piece of equipment is called. I know tractors and combines, and that's about it.

You just know the drifting dust is heading this way.
Since Mike was thoughtful enough to vacuum this morning, I followed his cue and dusted even though it felt like an exercise in futility. This is the dusty season in agricultural country, but I guess we have the dust with us no matter what. I should dust more, not less.

Just look at that dust!
Mike plans to grill hamburgers for dinner tonight. Unfortunately, we got here without the lettuce I bought (I hope I left it in the refrigerator) and the fresh tomatoes that I didn’t buy. (Does one ever buy a truly fresh tomato?) But we’re going to make do with spinach and the few “chocolate sprinkles” cherry tomatoes I picked this morning. (And they are truly fresh.) Mike will also make ice cream. I thought about baking a cake, but the ice cream is probably just enough for the two of us. KW

Smoke obliterates Little Canyon


  1. I am open to some rain maybe one a week now, but I'm still not ready to let the sun go away completely.

  2. Well, I can't say about Seattle, but here in the Pacific Inland Empire we usually have a nice fall. Seems like in recent years fall has been warm and then suddenly turns cold.
