Sunday, September 17, 2017


Halloween afghan in progress. Will I finish it this year?
According to the calendar, fall officially begins on the 22nd (Friday), but Mike and I agree that unofficially, summer is gone and won’t be back. Yesterday’s low here in town dipped into the 30s, and I wonder what happened at the farm, where it was likely even colder. Did it frost? I can almost say, “There went the garden,” but I’ll just have to see. I’m tired of the drill anyway – carrying water – so if it’s over, I will accept it stoically, though I would like to have fresh zucchini all winter.

Yesterday’s high was in the 70s. I was still chilly in the afternoon, so I took up work on my Halloween afghan in progress. It wasn’t easy to pick up where I left off. First I had to find it, then I had to locate the instructions. Fortunately, I put the work away with the crochet hook attached. And while I was out yesterday, I bought more yarn.

This drought-tolerant garden is tired.
Take it from me, stopping mid-project brings difficulties, as in “now where was I?” I’ve been pondering why it is that I can’t seem to work in a straight line and finish what I start. For one thing, I have always needed a variety of activities – something to sew, something to crochet, big projects that take time, and less intense ones that satisfy because they finish easily. But there are reasons for drifting away from a project. Often my work does not measure up to my expectations. Or, sometimes I get into something and realize I’m just not interested in it for whatever reason. Or, as with the Halloween afghan, the season ends and I must move on with something else. And if I’m interrupted at a crucial point, the probability exists that I just won’t get back to it. The muse seems to leave at the slightest provocation.

Even so, I’ve concluded that something in human nature just likes to start projects while something else doesn’t like to finish them. At least that’s the way it is for me. And yes, there is an element of discipline required here. I’d be the first to admit that my project life is a bit out of control. On the other hand, it could be worse – a lot worse – because today we’re bombarded with ideas and possibilities. KW


  1. Yes, it is fall! Cold, as in run the furnace and light the woodstove cold dig out the winter jammies cold. I'm rather liking it, though! I decorated the house a few weeks ago, right down to the fall peanut M&Ms and it feel right.

    Your afghan is looking good!! Fly, fingers, fly! :-)

  2. I like it, too! I also have fall decorations in place. One thing I always notice as the weather grows cold is that I sleep better.

    Well, I made a conscious decision to leave the afghan in town this trip -- another reason projects get sidelined. I have a few little things going. We'll see how it turns out.

  3. Agree! I don't sleep well in the hottest parts of summer. I like it when the air is cold and I can snuggle in. I'm also not so good at summer outfits. I like to wear sweaters and jackets and sneakers and boots.

  4. I've never thought of it, but I think I agree about the clothes. At my stage of life, I prefer coverage, which also affords protection at the farm.
