Wednesday, September 26, 2018


Tuesday (Sept. 25) was a beautiful day, and we made another morning trip to the farmhouse. We didn’t stay long, but Mike loaded the riding mower and we trailered it back to town.

We had thought the painting was finished, and I panicked when I saw the dining room in a shade of putty. However, Mike explained that the lower part of the wall isn’t painted, and as we looked around, we could see more areas that need paint. Later, the contractor explained that the painter has another day of work to finish.

The maple tree in the front yard is still green, but the autumn colors are making an entrance. The black hawthorn just above the lane is a dark shade of maroon. However, the leaves are dry and curled. Along the river, the autumn colors are just beginning to pop out.

No zucchini. No yellow summer squash. And I didn’t see the point in watering, so I didn’t, but it’s very dry. I always think of what Neighbor Pete told me years ago: “It used to rain, but we have to water now.” We’ll just have to see what comes back in the spring.

Really, we didn’t stay long at all. We were back home late morning. As we traveled, we had several calls from the contractor who was ordering the flooring and wanted to know about quarter round. It’s tough to make these decisions, but we did it. I’m afraid that the house isn’t going to be as well appointed as before, but that’s just the way it is.

I have no hope that we will spend Christmas at the farmhouse. Some years we can’t anyway. If it happens, I will gladly put up a tree and sing carols. KW


  1. Oh my--you really don't think it will be done by Christmas? I'm going to hope it's done by Thanksgiving so you'll have time to settle in and decorate.

  2. Thank you, Chris. What a lovely hope.

  3. I also live a life of projects that take longer than expected. Home renovation is very difficult. Not for the work, but for the decisions, the coordination, and the coercion of work.

    Christmas will still come. Just ask the Whos.

  4. Yes, Christmas will come. Ina is getting ready.
