Friday, October 5, 2018


Dept. 56 Halloween Barn
Fright is not my thing, but I love a little spookiness. Just a little -- not much. I set up Halloween scenes on my display stand and add to the spooky theme throughout the house with soaps and quilts and other things. 

No sun today to make the leaves glow
Speaking of fall colors, our world gradually takes on an autumnal appearance as trees turn color. It seems early, but we wonder if the dry summer is the cause. The purple ash that Mike planted when we moved here is beautiful at this time of year. The maples are always slow to change.

Lighted globe from Plow and Hearth
Meanwhile, it grows cooler. I killed a big spider in the bathroom the other night. I firmly believe that the frequency of spiders is a sign that cooler weather approaches.

“We don’t need this quilt. Let’s pull it back,” said Mike the other night. “No!” – I snapped with more vehemence than I intended. My feet were already blocks of ice. The next morning he agreed that it had been chillier than he thought.

A freeze warning was in effect for the early morning hours today. We scoffed a bit at that, but I turned on the electric blanket for the first time and wore my fuzzy socks to bed. When I arose at 6:45, it was 34 outside and 61 inside. We set up our space heaters and perhaps we'll have a fire in the little stove tonight. 

Yesterday morning (Thursday, Oct. 4), Mike and I set out our October yard ornaments. Can’t think of much to say about that. Here's hoping for better photos another day. KW


  1. What do the dogs think of the Halloween decorations? They look cute to me.

  2. Hi Chuck! The dogs don't pay any attention to the decorations. Or, if they do, they don't let on. I don't think celebrations happen in dog consciousness.

    Yes, they are cute. I get them at JoAnn's. We have collected these for several years, and when one falls apart, we just replace it.

  3. I usually bypass the whole fright or spooky thing and just go for fall decorating. It lasts from September to Thanksgiving. Love your little barn scene!

  4. Hi Chris! Actually, prior to reading your blogs (Miller's Last Resort), I didn't do much seasonal decorating. The minute Halloween is over, I put away the spookiness and focus on harvest / Thanksgiving themes. The great thing about decorating is that it's so individual, even if you purchase it.

  5. I'm glad my blog has some positive aspects! Growing up, Mom decorated only for Christmas, mostly with the tree and cards. You know how your family influenced my Christmas decorating. I think I, too, can credit blogs (and my quilting and embroidery habits) with inspiring me to go year 'round. And seasonal decorating also inspires me to dust!! Haha!
