Thursday, November 1, 2018


Paul Bunyan and Babe the Blue Ox
When Halloween is over, it’s time to put away the spooky fun and focus on Thanksgiving. Today I’m trading out items on my display stand for traditional autumn symbols.
I thought it might be fun, though, to post a recap on Halloween activities. Early in the day, daughter Hallie sent pictures of Nick and Primo as they were leaving for Nick's dog-friendly workplace, which encouraged costumes for Halloween.  It's plain to see that Primo doesn't understand and doesn't like it.

We walked the dogs earlier than usual, and at 3:30 I commenced to cook, making our traditional chili and pumpkin pie.

Image may contain: 1 person, standingAll was in readiness at 5:50 when the doorbell rang. Mike had visions of answering in one of his scary masks, but he wasn’t ready and I opened the door. Two nicely costumed older girls said, “Trick-or-treat,” and I complied with treats. Mike was disappointed, correctly guessing that he might have missed the only activity we would see. Meanwhile, we took pictures of him in his Halloween masks. The one shown here was a gift from daughter-in-law Kelly several years ago.

After supper, we decided to visit a Halloween maze that was written up in the Trib on Sunday, so about 7:00, we turned off the porch light and drove to the location. It gave Mike the opportunity to wear one of his masks as we wandered back and forth and up and down through the yard. The maze was set up with many purchased Halloween ghouls and scary scenarios, all in fun. The only place that got us stopped was entering an area that was totally dark. A couple of teen-aged girls behind us explained that it was dark for just a short distance and to push on through. We did, and we eventually made it out the other side of the maze. We were glad we went.

Coming back home, we could see how very dark and uninviting our street is. It was nearly 8:00, so we didn’t turn the porch light back on. We had our pumpkin pie and then tried to watch a scary movie, which just seemed slow, boring, and evil, so we gave it up. Where is The Legend of Sleepy Hollow when you need it? (I mean the old Washington Irving story, not the series.)
So, here we are at November 1, and I have lots to do. This is the month when I “get ready to get ready.” Let the fun begin. KW


  1. So sorry Mike missed his big moment! We get no trick or treaters here and I'm thankful. My days of running to the door all night are gone and I don't miss it. It seems most kids go downtown to businesses or on campus to dorms; parents seem to think it's safer (and certainly warmer in the dorms).

    I like Nick's costume! Did they get many tnt'ers?

    And as to scary movies...I just can't! But I did have a wonderful video of The Legend of Sleepy Hollow that I would show each year at school. It was kind of an animated book with Glenn Close doing the narrating. My kind of movie. :-)

  2. We got 7 or 8 trick or treaters. I love to see the kids dressed up, but the three separate knocks on the door happened in the middle of dinner, which was a bit of a challenge.

    No scary movies for me, either!

  3. Oh! Treat-or-treat occurs during the dinner hour. That's one reason chili was our traditional Halloween supper. It could be eaten whenever.

    I handle a trying movie by not watching it. Last week we attended the civic theater's presentation, a spoof of "Night of the Living Dead," and Mike wanted to see the movie. The play wasn't scary but the movie was. I handled it by researching all the actors and where they are today.

  4. Primo looks like he's saying, "I'm so embarrassed".

  5. Primo said, "Take it oooooofffffff!"
