Monday, November 19, 2018


“Don’t put the sofa back in the house,” we said to Big Mike the Contractor. “We’re getting a new one.”

Big Mike greeted that news rather quietly, I thought. Of course, one never really knows what another is thinking, but I thought he might be thinking, “If you folks had told me this in the first place, we’d have saved a lot of storage space.” And I’m sorry about that, but it’s our house and we’re thinking of it now.
It was time to buy that new sofa, so on Friday we headed out to Elegant Interiors in Clarkston. Stock was already tagged with “Black Friday” prices. It wasn’t long before we had selected a model we liked – a Flexsteel full-sized sofa with a recliner on either end. The style is rather contemporary for the house, but the fact is that comfort is now the goal, and hopefully at least two people can be comfortable on that sofa, and if we protect it, perhaps two people and Bess, who does love to be close to her master.

Mike suggested we shop other furniture stores, but I predicted he would not be happy at the next stop, and this proved to be true. Then we sat in the car trying to remember all the furniture stores we’ve known, and most of them are out of business now. Yes, we decided, we should just buy the Flexsteel -- and that happened. Delivery will be arranged when the house is ready.

Mike and I do enjoy shopping together – even for groceries – but Mike gets impatient if it takes a long time, and sometimes it does. For the truly serious grocery-shopping event, I need to be alone and undistracted. Saturday morning, when he offered to accompany me to Albertsons, I dissuaded him with as much tact as I could muster. It would take some time for me to get the items I needed, I told him, and he wisely decided not to go. KW


  1. A new sofa!! Yay! I looks a lot like ours and we've loved them. So nice to be able to recline and have legs up. And our grandsons love them! (So good for snoozing at Grammy's.)

    Since we do our shopping at Winco, I prefer to take Dan with me and when he gets bored, he goes to the magazine section and peruses. I'm no good at putting the groceries on the belt, writing the check, and then bagging...

  2. I think this couch will have great utility! Nice pick.

  3. Hi Chris and Hallie!
    I'm not sure this is the exact model we bought. The color equates to brown, not gray.

    Yes, I agree there are advantages to having Mike along. If I'm at Winco alone, I just pick up a few things that I can manage myself. Even at Albertsons the other day, they were shorthanded, and I helped pack my own groceries. I hadn't thought about sending Mike to the magazine rack, but I did think about giving him half the list.

  4. I forgot to say that Dan will often ask what he can go get, and that is helpful, too.
