Friday, December 7, 2018


Well, we’ve just had dinner – beef soup . . .  huckleberry pie with whipped cream. Of course, you’ll understand there were in-betweens. -- Ina

Ethel walked all the way to the schoolhouse today, with Jack’s old dog Dick by her side. It was bitterly cold, barely above freezing and breezy, but it was a beautiful day anyway, and she enjoyed her walk in the brisk air.

Miss Johnson explained that she had found her notes from last year’s play and was considering a revision. “Have you seen this little booklet from the Royal Baking Powder Company?” she asked Ethel.

Ethel said she hadn’t. Miss Johnson explained that the charming story had been written to promote recipes of the test kitchen at the Royal Baking Powder Company. She suggested Ethel take the booklet home and look it over. It was agreed that they would meet again Monday to discuss how the story might be made into a Christmas play and incorporate those traditional songs that the children sing at every Christmas pageant. You know the ones -- "Up on the housetop," "We wish you a merry Christmas," "Jolly Old St. Nicholas," etc.

Coming again into the cold with Sadie in tow, Ethel was pleased to find Jack waiting for her with the horse and wagon. He had been to the mailbox, he said, and with daylight fast fading, he decided he’d better come for them. Dick had already jumped into the wagon bed and nestled into his old blanket.

That evening, Ethel, Ina, and Sadie curled up once more on the settee in front of the blazing fire. This time Ethel read the story. [And if you wish to read along, I suggest the website of the New York Academy of Medicine (here), where the entire booklet and its history can be read.]

“Gram, can we make some of these recipes?” asked Sadie excitedly when Ethel finished reading.

“Yes, indeed,” said Ina, “but we’ll have to talk about that tomorrow. It’s bedtime now.” KW


  1. From the linked site: "the pamphlet tells the story of the land of Jalapomp, where baking has been declared illegal because of the ineptitude of the cook." Ha ha ha!

  2. In the end, the cook is presented with a can of Royal Baking Powder to make him a good cook.
