Tuesday, August 27, 2019


The days all blur together. I guess I should make notes. On the other hand, what does it matter? It matters nothing in the long run.

Friday morning as we began to wake up, Mike commented that winter came overnight. Our light thermal blanket wasn't enough, and fortunately I had left another at the foot of the bed. It was 52 degrees that morning. Does it signal the big switch to fall? Yes. The shorter days and longer shadows are here to stay. I have to turn on a light now as I prepare our supper. Chilly mornings and evenings are typical as summer swings into autumn in the intermountain northwest, and we're having those now. It's just hard to believe that the summer vacation season is over. I'm preparing my autumn / Halloween display. 

Well, I'll "come clean" and tell you about the latest water debacle. As I said previously, I found the upstairs toilet sitting in a pool of water, which we cleaned up. Later in the day, I noticed damage to the ceiling and wall  in the bathroom downstairs. After the mess we went through last year, we were initially in shock. Neither one of us wants any sort of repeat. So, Mike began to work on the drywall and we set up fans, etc. We also cleaned out the upper cupboard in the downstairs bathroom, which doubles as a utility room. I was every-so-grateful I had thrown away those useless jars because I had room to move some things to the back cupboard. Our favorite drywaller encouraged Mike to repair the existing drywall himself, saying he would help if that fails. So, yesterday we shopped Home Depot for the needed supplies. We'll see how it goes.

Mike went out to scout for doves yesterday evening and didn't find any -- except the one in our backyard. Last year doves were abundant, but when that cool spell hits in August, they will disappear before the season opens. Mike wonders if a second flight will come in and if so, when. KW


  1. Bummer!! You didn't need that, after the trial you had with the previous water problem. Let us know how the repairs go, and how much 'extra' help you need to get it back to normal.

  2. Well!! Those naughty bathrooms!! At least the kitchen wasn't affected this time, which would have been too sad. And yes, fall is here, even with some warmer days predicted this week. Needless to say, I'm loving it. Waiting until next week to start bringing out the fall things, however.

  3. I think Mike's mudding job in the bathroom looks pretty good. It's the utility room, after all, and if we can solve this ourselves, so much the better.

    I have yet to open boxes and set out knick-knacks, but I have to move with the mood or the season passes and I don't make move one.
