Friday, September 13, 2019


Sometimes the muse goes away, We've been into serious town time this week -- appointments, decision-making, company a-comin'. Put it all together and the muse becomes tongue-tied. But -- she's back!

We have a new vehicle -- a 2019 bright red Jeep Cherokee Trail Hawk. I was put in mind of the time we bought our red mini-van. The kids were in high school. "We aren't red car people," one of them exclaimed. I had to agree with him, but that's the way it was. I always say that in the end, there are no choices.You get what you get within a limited range.

And during the process of buying the Jeep, I concluded that I really hate buying a car. Honestly, if I didn't have Mike, I'd have to take one of my children. Those sales people don't make it easy. Mike visited the dealership four times over three days. I went with him only once so that I could test drive, but I waited quietly through a lot of negotiation, and that's when I decided Mike could have the whole thing. In the end, we bought the one on the lot because that's where the deal was. We would have liked a white one with black trim, and we would also have liked the easy-open tailgate, but they said they couldn't find these options at regional dealers. So -- red it is, and we'll just have to open the tailgate as we have for all these years.

Basically, I'm pleased, though. I have felt for several years that we really needed a rugged SUV for our to-and-from the farm travel. I thought packing the Dakota was unnecessarily challenging. I could say our age has something to do with my opinion, but in the 20 years we've packed the Dakota, I thought it was a hard way to go.

Gone away is the 2006 Dodge Magnum, traded in the deal. We had it a long time and enjoyed it, but it's old now and our needs have changed. Mike considered selling it on his own but decided he didn't want the hassle. We'll keep the Dakota a while longer.

Oh! And the microwave died -- just an inexpensive counter model. We use the microwave a lot -- morning, noon, and at night Mike warms his cherry pit pillow in it. We knew it was failing. It rattled. It screamed. And for the last several days of its life, the turntable commenced to go around when we opened the door. Then it just quit responding. Can't say it didn't warn us. Well, you just can't warm a cherry pit pillow if you don't have a microwave, so we were off immediately to buy its replacement. Guess what color. RED! KW


  1. Oh fun!! A new car!! I'm with you, though, I just test drive. The rest is up to Dan. Oh wait, I do have say on the color if there are choices. And a red microwave?? I've never seen a colored one before!

  2. Hi Dhris!
    LOL -- red microwave. Mike pointed out that our stand mixer is red, but we both forgot that the red mixer is the one at the farm. Well, a switch is not out of the question. I brought a lot of my apple stuff to town.

    I tried to hold out on the color of the Jeep. I even said we didn't have to be in a hurry. But in the end, the deal appealed to Mike and so red it is. And that's fine.
