Saturday, December 28, 2019

"I stood it all just fine"

And speaking of Christmas Day, we had another of those awful “skimpy” affairs, which leaves us all wondering “where to put the new things, when we barely had room enough for the old!” – Ethel Dobson Robinson, January 1937

Our country Christmas came to a close yesterday (Friday) morning. It had commenced to snow about 7:00, and the bare spot left on the drive by Hallie and Nick’s car was a sad reminder that the festivities had come to an end. Before noon, Mike and I were also ready to leave, a simple statement that belies 90 minutes of work.

It was “snow floor and snowing” on the Gilbert Grade, but the Jeep carried us along just fine. It was still snowing at Orofino but the highway was clear as we passed Peck. It was overcast and cold in our valley with no snow. Mike unloaded boxes and coolers from the Jeep, and I put things away in the house – mostly food. And then Mike put on his warmest biking clothes and went cycling. Bess and I went for a walk.

As Grandma Ina used to say, “I stood all the Christmas doing just fine.” I love that statement because it says that at some point she didn’t. Did she have meltdowns? Did she take to her bed with depression? I don’t know – but it’s clear that she’s pleased to have stood it all just fine.

More like Father Time than Santa
For me, the trick to “standing Christmas just fine” is to have a post-holiday plan. I have a 2020 calendar/planner/diary and a list of projects to which I look forward – doll clothes (many), a holiday panel quilt, and a few recipes to try. “But what about all your unfinished projects,” you ask. Tut-tut! – none of that until February – maybe even March when the sun might begin to shine.

But today, like Aunt Ethel, I must find places for a few Christmas gifts. This afternoon I will try out my new 3-quart Instant Pot on a pheasant breast. KW


  1. Oooo, a new 3-quart Instant Pot!! I often use both of mine at the same time, especially when I'm doing rice to go with whatever is cooking in the big one. Mexican or "oriental" (in quotes because of course it's Americanized and no oriental would probably recognize it!). Actually Mexicans probably wouldn't recognize their dish, either.

  2. Haha! I'm keeping up with Chris. I remembered that you received the 3-quart Instant Pot last Christmas, and as we began to use our 6-quart unit more, I realized that for what we cook -- mostly game birds -- it doesn't need to be so big.
