Thursday, January 2, 2020


We still have our decorations and Christmas tree and I think I won’t take them down for a few more days. -- Shirley Dobson, Jan. 2, 1933

Our Christmas tree is still up, and I think I'll take it down today. The time comes when it's something that has to be done, whether or not I'm ready, and so I just as well step up to it. It always seems a bit sad to take it down when putting it up is a happy event, but on the other hand, it's time to get ready for next Christmas, and that happens in the sewing room. KW



  1. Our tree is still up and will be for a while longer. We didn't get it up until a few days before Christmas and so it should last. This year's is particularly gorgeous and it's a pleasure to just stand and admire it. And I love the glow of the lights each evening.

  2. I love the glow of the Christmas tree in the evening, too, and I miss our tree. If I were in your shoes, I'd certainly leave it up, too. I do have other Christmas things out, and in the evening, I light candles in the kitchen window.
