Thursday, January 30, 2020


At Mike’s follow-up appointment on Tuesday (Jan. 28), another long-arm cast was applied to keep the wrist immobile – and keep him from doing too much. He’s getting along well but has pain from time to time. Meanwhile, he does as much for himself as he can. I button his buttons and carry in wood a few sticks at a time.

Mike’s glasses weren’t found at the surgery center, so I realized it would be up to us (me) to find them. If Mike had rejected wearing the glasses as we left there after surgery, what would he have done with them, I asked myself. What about a shirt or jacket pocket? I hated to admit I couldn’t remember what he wore, and he said he couldn’t either, but he had checked the pocket of the jacket he thought he had worn. Aha! He didn't wear that jacket. I went immediately to another jacket, and sure enough – there they were in the pocket!

Now, as February approaches, if I could just find the fabric for the quilt I was going to make in January. My philosophy is that at some point you just have to quit searching, calm down, and follow your leads. It will eventually turn up.

My little reward, a sewing journal, came yesterday. I shopped many project planners and even downloadable designs before landing on this pretty book. It has room to detail 50 projects, and I hope it not only helps to focus me but also to prevent the repetition of projects, which can certainly happen. You’d think it wouldn’t. You’d think my memory would say, “I’ve made this before,” but it doesn’t always – not any more. 

This book was designed by Amanda Kastner. The quote on the cover is from Jane Austen: "Dress is at all times a frivolous distinction." KW


  1. I'm pretty predictable in my logic, so if I can't immediately find something, I think, "okay, where would I put it?" That narrows it down to two or three spots and I generally find it. I'm glad you found the glasses!

  2. My fabric is categorized as best I can, but some things fit several places, and then there's the overflow. And sometimes I must move things. So, now and then I misplace something. If it were terribly important, I'd have to really search, but I have plenty of things to do while I await unfoldment.

    Hallie, I remember one time when you were in high school I found something which had been lost for a while, and when I said, "Guess where I found my such-and-such," you said, "In some tote bag?" So yes -- sometimes there is failure to unpack.

  3. Welcome to the land of forgetfulness. What you described is an every day occurrence around here. Sometimes more than once a day. I haven't yet found her car keys in the refrigerator. That's a good sign. We are heading north to Lindon tomorrow for Joanne's 80th birthday party on Saturday, hosted by her kids, and to be attended by both hers and mine, as many as can come from afar. More on that later.

  4. Ahh, I think it's because all the file drawers in our minds are getting full because of all the life we've stuffed into them. Sometimes I have to go through drawer after drawer to find what I'm looking for!! LOL

  5. I've been through every bin -- some more than once -- but you know how fabric is. Perhaps my quilt is hiding on the other side of some box. I'm sure it was an inspirational idea, and it will be inspirational when I find it.

    I always say I'd rather buy new than look for something. I have two of quite a few sewing notions.

    Someone once told me she could remember every phone number she ever had. "That's remarkable!" I said. "No it's not," she replied. "I need that memory space for more important things."

  6. I forgot to say that your new journal looks interesting. I'll be waiting to hear how you like it.
