Saturday, February 29, 2020


The confluence of the Snake and Clearwater Rivers at Lewiston, Idaho

 A registered geocacher gets a medallion if he finds a cache on Leap Day. “Do they mail it to you?” I asked. No, it’s a digital award – a medallion on your profile page.

The plan was to find the Leap Day cache at the Grange Hall in our neighborhood, but we couldn’t find it, so that meant a move to “Plan B” or lose out on the medallion. Mike said he knew of one on the Lewiston Hill. So, we went back to the house where I picked up my coat (good thinking!) and the camera. We also packed our recycling.
The mill on the Clearwater River

A view up the Snake River with Clarkston on right
After leaving the recycling at the transfer station, we then crossed the road and went on up the Old Spiral Highway. Mike had thought the cache was located mid-way, but it quickly became clear that it was up top. Things got a little garbled and we ended up heading back to town on the present highway. Mike initially thought the cache was behind us, but no – I saw that we were getting closer to it. We pulled off onto the scenic overlook where Mike readily found the cache, I took pictures, and Bess explored. I was glad I had my coat because it was very windy.
A view into the Clearwater Country

This February Leap Day looked a lot like March. Except for the wind, I would have to say that March is coming in like a lamb. KW


  1. Great scenery. Looks like the Lewiston area is getting ready for spring.

  2. Thank you. I noticed the greening of the hills, too, but it's still a little chilly.

  3. It was very cold up here today, a bundle-in-your-warmest-coat day. Good thing you took yours! I love your pictures--you got some great ones. I guess a virtual medallion is as good as a real one if it's on your profile page where people can see it. You saved the day!
