Thursday, February 13, 2020


Here are photos my Shirley Anne, American Farm Girl, modeling outfits recently finished for Hazel. These were delivered to Niece Becky this morning, and she will take them to Hazel, her granddaughter's doll. 

Ordinarily, I try to build my package of outfits according to a seasonal theme, but this time, I finished shirts and skirts and dresses and put them all in a box. I wanted Hazel to have the things I've been making and collecting.

This plaid flannel skirt with black off-the-shoulder t-shirt is paired with boots from American Girl. You should have seen me trying to put them on Shirley Anne. I tugged and pulled and pushed and stood her on her head until I finally discovered the Velcro opening in the back of the boot. I have to confess, though, that the t-shirt was not in the package that went to Hazel. I realized that the knit I used wasn’t stretchy enough. “Okay,” I said to myself, “all I have to do is open the back seam,” but while correct in theory, I ruined the shirt in the process. Well – I’ll just make another.


This little outfit is a crocheted sweater paired with a skirt of repurposed cotton and the same boots from above. 

It's such fun to make shirts from holiday socks. I have a bin full of socks -- or is that a binful of socks?

This wrap-around dress is called "The Silk Road." I included a diagram so that Hazel would know how to put it on.

 And here's a summertime sundress made of quilter's cotton. KW


  1. Cute, cute, cute!! Oh the fun Hazel will have wearing these new outfits. (I'm not showing my girls because they will clamor for new outfits and I'm in a knitting mood.)

  2. It's great that you are in a knitting mood, Chris. And I think my girls ARE jealous of Hazel. The other day, as Shirley Anne stood on the sofa in a sweater and skirt, Mike said he had never seen that doll before. I said, "Oh yes, you have. She's just always naked." Well, you know how it is. My dolls will wait, but Hazel's girl is getting older -- turning 10 in April.
