Wednesday, March 25, 2020


This community (Nez Perce County, Idaho) now has its first Covid-19 case. An authority credits luck and the rural nature of the area as the reasons that the virus has been slow to appear here.

We had planned to go to the farm today, but because it snowed in the upper country, we decided to postpone until tomorrow when the forecast is for a drier day.

Once again, I spun around in the dilemma of whether or not to make face masks for home use, and once again, I decided not to. My research convinced me that the homemade mask is little better than nothing. It won’t stop the virus, if virus there be. (You would be right if you discern that I really don’t want to make masks.) 

I stood in the pantry doorway, again taking stock of our supplies. I can make our usual meals for several weeks. Of course, we can go to the grocery store, but will we want to if the virus is spreading? Probably not.

And then this silly little nursery rhyme began to sing in my head:
Jack Sprat could eat no fat,
His wife could eat no lean;
And so, betwixt them both you see,
They licked the platter clean.

Yes, Mike and I lick the platter clean! KW


  1. Wow, you've been busy blogging! I'm way behind in commenting, but I'll agree with you on the face mask thing. Not going there. I see lots of people on FB are making them and sending them to hospitals?? And some people are offering them for sale. I'll just tie one of Dan's red handkerchiefs over my face like old time bandits if it comes to that--it'll be just as effective. We can be thankful we live here. I just read an Australian blogger's latest post and she talks about the lack of food there and how the little towns that might have some left have been invaded by buses with people from far way who strip what's left off the shelves and then get back on the buses and go home leaving the locals with nothing. People are fighting in the stores and there are notices that abuse of the employees will not be tolerated. Wow!!

  2. Oh! I'm so glad that I'm not alone in my decision not to make masks. I'm making a doll quilt with "Sewing for Cinnamon," and I would rather do that.

    I have been journaling daily to record this unfolding saga as it affects us. The worst infections are in the cities, of course. I hope we can stave it off here by staying home.

    Thank you for dropping by, Chris. Your comments are appreciated.

  3. If you and Mike "lick the platter clean", what does that leave for Bess?

  4. Haha! Not much. And she's not thorough either.
