Monday, April 20, 2020


Forked tree in the center

Spring! . . . and our thoughts turn to next winter’s wood supply. Mike announced this morning that we would cut a dead fir tree out of the “north woods.” I was not eager to be “first helper,” but I’m the only one he has, and it would be good to see that tree gone.

On the ground
Nellie would have accompanied us across the north field, but not Bess. No, she took one look at Mike’s projects as a pup and declared that she didn’t want to be involved. She maintains her resolve to this day!

Anyway, felling the tree went well, and then we pulled it out into the field with only a little trouble. It dug into the bank, and Mike had to get a shovel. He still lacks strength in his left arm, so I did some of the digging. We worked about two hours, and Mike said we’d leave the rest of the fun for tomorrow.

Ready to cut tomorrow
Mike reminded me that his first wood-getting experiences were with brother Chuck. He credits Chuck with teaching him the basics.

Back at the house, I spent some time weeding the rhubarb plants (2). After lunch, we pounded the east end of the makeshift raised bed back into place and braced it. We disturbed a mouse (EeeeK!) and a garter snake.

The lane and Plank's Pitch from the pick-up
I reminded Mike that some years we have not been able to do yard work this early – too cold and wet. I think it’s dryer than usual. It's already dry under the clothesline. I watered some of the vegetation this afternoon.

The pick-up from the lane

As if the day’s work wasn’t enough, Mike went on a bike ride, so Bess and I walked to the top of Plank’s Pitch.

It was 72 in the sun this afternoon. KW


  1. Really?! Uncle Chuck taught Dad about getting wood? I was sure Dad was born with a chainsaw in hand. How was he heating his house before he met you? Did he own a chainsaw or did he buy one after Uncle Chuck showed him the ropes?

    It has been a warm, beautiful spring and thank goodness for it!

  2. We had a gas furnace for our heat and a regular fireplace with glass doors. It was seldom used and I don't remember where I got the wood - sometimes Presto logs. I got my first old used chainsaw after going to get wood with Chuck. About that time we installed one of the first inserts in the fireplace. It was the one occasionally used in the basement on Broadview.

  3. Ahh, the wood gathering. Somehow we seemed to have amassed a supply that should continue to last us for years. Good thing you have your own source because Dan says it's getting harder and harder to spot the good stuff in the woods anymore. He's glad we have our stash. And, I've said it before, but I'll say it again--you are a good sport!

  4. I don't feel like a good sport. A good sport gives willingly. I drag along. But - beyond the fact that Mike needs help, the property came to us through my family, and it's a privilege to be a steward of the land.

    Well, Dan would know about good wood, but Mike and Ken got wood for years following logging operations, and that seems to have dried up. We burned pine all winter because that's what we have, and it was okay for this little house.
