Sunday, July 19, 2020


This photo was taken Friday morning (July 17) looking across Little Canyon to Central Ridge, above "the old Dieterle place," now a hunting preserve.

We have enjoyed watching the baby robins grow up. When I crept up to check on them, one would duck down into the nest while the other one looked me in the eye. We watched as the babies quickly grew to a size that filled the nest so that Mama was forced to sit on the edge. And then, when I checked this morning, the nest was empty except for one non-vital egg. Frankly, we’re relieved. We keep a bird dog, you know, but I only saw her take interest once. I yelled at her, and she didn’t try again.

Friday, Mike had an accident on his mountain bike. Road rash is the worst of it, and he’s healing. In fact, he got right back on this morning and rode to Craigmont. He complained of a head wind both going and coming.

Friday morning, we hiked behind the house to the canyon rim. Five or six serviceberry (juneberry) bushes at the edge of the field are loaded with berries. After lunch, we went back and picked two and a half quarts. I made a pie with four cups and juice with the rest. We plan to pick more tomorrow and I'll make jelly.

My “Lapins” sweet cherry tree is also loaded with fruit, but I’m just not sure if I should pick them yet. They are dark red when ripe, says the internet, and they ripen mid- to late-summer. They could be darker than they are now, and they are still darkening. Hmmm.

I’ve been leaving the snow peas on the vine a little longer and find I like them better. I will have to freeze some of them.

The canola fields no longer appear yellow. The blossoms are dropping rapidly. KW


  1. The wheat is ripening up here, and with the current much warmer temperature, I think it will all be gold in short order. How goes the juice making?

  2. LOL -- I thought you were busy tonight. Are you all ready for your "guests?"

    I'm on my second batch of juice and I'm blanching snow peas for the freezer. Perhaps I'll find time to make supper -- imitation crab roll-ups.

  3. Yup, I was all ready and took a few minutes to just relax.
