Wednesday, August 12, 2020


Happy faces -- Emmy, Hallie, Jackson

Tuesday, Aug. 11
To review, Mike is with family members in Denver today. Bess and I stayed in town. 

I was awake and up at 5:30. Someone in this neighborhood has a rooster. Need I say more?

As I was leaving the kitchen with my morning mocha, I spied four mule deer buck munching weeds on the bank behind our house. Three had big racks, but the third was a rookie that those big boys allowed to tag along. Bess likes to give the deer a piece of her mind, but the bucks will challenge her, so I left her in the kennel until they had moved on.

At 6:30, we went for a walk up South Slope, and not far from where the pavement ends, she stopped, put her snout in the air, abruptly did an about face, and returned to the house at a trot. No use to reason with her. No use to say, “Bess, it will be hot this afternoon. We need to walk now!” No, she was on her way home. Well, I thought of those bucks and couldn’t help but wonder if she smelled them. Or, there might have been no reason at all other than that she misses Mike.

Murray, Mike, Kelly, Emmy, Yancey, Hallie, and Jackson in Denver
It was a reasonably productive day. I haven’t used my embroidery machine in months, so today I embarked on an embroidered halter dress for Hazel. I hope to finish it tomorrow before interruptions begin to happen. Interruptions with loss of the muse are the bane of my creative life. I also made two ear savers – a special order for Yancey.

It was a hot day but became overcast and cooler in the evening. KW


  1. Definitely cooler today! I've been thinking of picking up my knitting and it seems to be the perfect weather for it. Love the pictures--the family resemblance is strong!!

  2. The afghan I'm crocheting is at the farmhouse. Otherwise I would have crocheted today. It's supposed to be hot again soon.

    Yes, the family resemblance is there. Do you think it's the nose? The shape of the face figures in, too.

  3. Yes, I really noticed how they all have the same nose, but you're right in that the face shape is similar, too. They're definitely family!

  4. Maybe it's the lack of hair on top for us guys.

  5. Yes, I think we all have the Warnock dome top--mine just has hair. The caption missed one soul--the puppy is Pearl. :)
