Saturday, August 8, 2020


The Great 2020 Motorcaching Ride and Staycation is history, so now it’s on to the next thing – delivery of Mike’s new shed. Constructed by Clearwater Barns out of Grangeville, it was delivered yesterday (Friday, Aug. 7). 

It’s such fun to watch the builder, David Kurtz, place the shed. As he unloads the shed, the trailer takes on a life of its own. He operates it by means of a remote control, and he can put it right where he wants within minutes.

This shed is the same size as the one we have in town and built by the same company, but this one has a workbench and window. I was envious of the window, but Mike points out that it takes up a lot of shelf space. This shed should provide good work space for Mike and enough storage for his stuff. He plans to keep chemicals and such in the barn instead of the shed. And it’s secure against the mice, says the builder (is anything secure against the mice?) except for two small open spots at the door, where he recommended we tuck some steel wool.

And – the added bonus is that it frees up the sunporch. In my mind’s eye, I see outdoor furniture and at Christmas, a little table with a tree on it like in the magazines. It’s pleasant space in winter or on a chilly day, but during the summer, it’s hot out there, so I don’t know what we’ll do. We’ll see.

At any rate, the little shed is good for us and an upgrade for the property. It makes me happy. KW


  1. Woohoo is right! Has he filled it up already? And I didn't realize it would free up your sun porch for country decorating and relaxing. Double woohoo!! Let the fun begin!

  2. It looks great. I hope it serves you well. It certainly looks sturdy.

  3. Mike has moved some things into the shed, but there's much more to do. We bought pegboard and accessories for it today. Yes, I think he's having a good time. Most of all, he looks forward to not banging his head on the door frame. Oh! This is a much better shed!
