Monday, September 14, 2020


Up the hill
It was already smoky, but about 4:30 Saturday afternoon the smoke rolled in, darkening the sun and decreasing visibility. One report said that a change in the wind brought smoke from Oregon, but we also have regional wildfires. Wildfire smoke is wildfire smoke – hard to tell from whence it comes. The fan/AC runs constantly and I’m tired of hearing that monotonous sound.

Perhaps worse toward the river (downhill)
Conditions are not better this morning (Monday), though the air quality alert lifts at 11:00 a.m. I just have to wonder what will change at 11:00 to make a difference. Maybe the wind will shift. At any rate, the smoke moves in and out and affects both our ability to breathe and our morale.

We’ve heard that perhaps the smoke is even worse at higher altitudes, so we’re glad to be in town. Today’s yoga session in the park was cancelled. Mike rode out for an appointment this morning and said the smoke was worse on the river than here at our house.

Smoke behind the house where the deer nibble weeds
Due to the pandemic, at least we’re prepared with masks. I’m considering making more, but the best ones we have are those we purchased. We wear them when we go outside and especially when we walk Bess. Bess still has to have her constitutional, you know.

Speaking of Bess, Mike decided to let her sleep inside last night. She was sleeping peacefully on her pillow as we went off to bed. About 20 minutes later, she awakened me to say that Mike had forgotten to put her to bed. He tried to explain that she could sleep inside because of the smoke, but she didn’t get it. In the end, she won out, and Mike took her to the kennel. KW

[The pictures here were taken this morning, 9-14-20.]


  1. Smoke, smoke, smoke. Same here. And school, which was supposed to start Monday, is cancelled again today. I can't imagine how frustrated teachers, parents and students must be over this.
    I took your comment about running the furnace fan to heart and turned ours on a little bit ago. The house has been closed up for days and we needed some air movement. Thanks for the idea!

  2. The fan really helps! In fact, it's the reason it's better to be in town than at the farm when it's smoky.
