Saturday, September 19, 2020


It was raining when I awoke this morning. I arose and turned off the A/C fan that has been running all week. Blessed silence! I was tired of the constant gray noise. For his part, Mike opened doors and windows for fresh air, if we can ever call it that. At any rate, we’re “airing” the house. The rain wasn’t much -- .14 inch.

Amazing how much things seemed to change over that smoky week. I must turn on the kitchen light now to cook supper, and I notice that it’s dark by 7:30. Summer seems to have disappeared all at once.

Today’s long-planned hunting / fishing excursion was cancelled last night. Preparations had to be undone. Now we look forward to Monday’s “old man” hunt. (That’s when old men hunt, not when we hunt for old men.) KW



  1. You are right about summer disappearing all at once. Not only are the nights dark sooner, but the mornings are dark, too. This makes my solar panels produce much less electricity each day.

    About this "old man" hunt. Would you explain what it is and how it came to known as that.

  2. Hi Chuck!

    The "old man" hunt is a pheasant hunt sponsored by WA Fish and Game. The way it works that F&G sponsors a youth hunt on the weekend, and the following five days, i.e., this next week, they allow the old men to hunt those planted pheasants. The regular season opens in October. How old is old? -- over 65.

    1. Seems sexist and presumptuous to me. Are old ladies not allowed to hunt?

  3. It's not that we're not allowed to hunt. We just don't want to.

    It's officially called a "Senior Hunt." Mike and Ken call it the "old man hunt." Mike says he hasn't seen any old ladies out there.

  4. Love seeing the hills and mountains again! Sure hope it stays this way. And on the other subject, I do know ladies who hunt, but they all hunt big game, I don't know any who bird hunt.

  5. We don't know women bird hunters either. Mike says organizations such as Pheasants Forever encourage women hunters, but he opines that here the country is rugged. A woman accompanied the old guys today, but she didn't hunt -- just walked her dog. Hmmm.
