Tuesday, December 15, 2020


[Mike and I shopped for groceries this morning, and in the afternoon, we shopped for a new modem / router. That's right -- our internet was down, and the installment process wasn't completed until suppertime, so I post just a short installment today. The muse is barely hanging on by her fingernails.]

Now that Cuddles was (mostly) taken care of, it was time to plan the food for the Christmas Eve party. Bertha said she would help, and true to her word, she appeared mid-morning bringing frosted Christmas cookies, both sugar and gingerbread, to munch while they planned. Everyone knows that planning and cookies go together. Ina poured the tea and then passed around paper and pencils so that each of them could make lists.

Ina would prepare roast beef. Bertha would stuff and roast a young chicken. There would be plenty of “et ceteras,” the kind that you find on a farmhouse table. Ina would invite the Boehms and the Cordells, and Bertha would try to find out if there were other neighbors who would be alone at Christmas and should be invited.

Ina would make a mincemeat pie. Bertha volunteered to bring two pumpkin pies and was unyielding when Ina said that one would be plenty.

Well, by lunch time, they had it all worked out, and Ina felt good about it. It would be a wonderful Christmas with everyone well remembered.



  1. Isn't it strange how something that didn't exist thirty years ago, or even sooner than that, has become such a necessity in our lives? We've had to get new modems and routers, too, and it's truly a pain to get everything back up and runner. It's like I feel bereft if I have no internet. (And yet I can go on vacation and happily leave it all behind! What's with that?)

  2. Yes, it is strange! We had to replace the router / modem immediately. And then every deice had to be reconnected. (We aren't finished with that yet.) Alexa said, "I'm sorry, I'm having trouble connecting to the internet." I had to take care of her so that she could tell me the news while I fixed supper.
