Thursday, December 31, 2020


Wednesday (Dec. 30), we drove to the farm as planned to clean out the fridge/freezer, winterize, get the 4-wheeler and blade, and retrieve Mike’s wallet. Unfortunately, the weather forecast had changed, bringing snow to the region earlier than anticipated. We went anyway. The Gilbert Grade was snow floor from bottom to top, but we were in the big old truck in 4-wheel drive and had no problems with the grade or the lane. As we arrived at the farm, it began to snow in earnest, which is the reason that all the photos here were taken from porches.

Straightaway, we were at work. I helped Mike heave the 4-wheeler blade into the bed of the truck and then turned to my own list for direction. I loaded the condiments into a box and the contents of the freezer into a cooler. I then packed up cereals and crackers, and other boxed products that get stale. I also took liquid soaps because they seem not to be the same once they freeze. After that, it was just a matter of packing the things left behind on the dining room table.

We finished by turning off the water and draining the pipes – always easier said than done.

“Just let me check my list,” said Mike as we walked out the door. “OH! MY WALLET!” – one of the main reasons for the trip at this time!

I guess we were at the farm about two hours, and then we started for home, this time trailering the 4-wheeler. It snowed all the way down the grade and at Hwy 12 the road was snow and slush. As we drove down the Clearwater, the snow became wetter and wetter until at Arrow, we drove out of the storm.

Today, it’s warmer – 46 degrees – and Mike is heading out for the last bike ride of 2020. He has surpassed his annual goal of 2000 miles. KW


  1. I wondered if you had gone up yesterday with all the weather we had predicted, but I knew Mike needed his wallet. Well, it went well and it's done! Good for you! I've been busy washing sheets and towels, etc. John and Karen have been at Kirsten's and will be coming here soon, so things had to get washed and ready for them. I've never been so prompt! LOL

  2. Yes, we wanted it done, and Mike doesn't put things off well.

    Speaking of being prompt with the laundry, I left the sheets and towels until spring. I decided I didn't want a laundry basket full of clean laundry taking up space for three months. But -- the bed in the sewing room hadn't been changed for 2-3 years.
