Wednesday, February 3, 2021


It was a given that Mike and I would comply with the recommendation to be vaccinated against Covid-19, even though I have misgivings. It’s not that I’m afraid of the vaccine or being vaccinated. Somehow I just don’t trust that this series of vaccines is the answer. Oh well.

Even though I’m well within the 65+ age group, I was fine with waiting my turn, but daughter Hallie suggested Mike and I should pursue vaccination as soon as possible. She would not be eligible right away, she said, and she would like to be able to see us. So, last week we registered at the local hospital, and at that time they still had no information as to when the vaccine would be available or when we would be scheduled.

Then on Monday, a friend told Mike that a local corporation, SEL (Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories), was scheduling vaccinations on Wednesday (Feb. 3), so Mike signed us up. They said they were administering the Pfizer vaccine, and we would receive appointments for the second shot in three weeks.

I was skeptical. Why would we get a vaccine at SEL instead of a clinic or pharmacy? And why did we hear about it through word of mouth?

Well, long story short, Mike signed us up, and we were both immunized today at SEL. The event was well-organized, and it was a surprisingly pleasant experience. We were told that SEL had the room and the personnel, so they volunteered to administer the vaccine. We were provided appointments for the next shot in three weeks. KW


  1. SEL is an amazing company! We're in no hurry up here. Maybe, maybe not.

  2. I wasn't in a hurry either. I felt a lot of people deserved to go before homebody me. But it feels good to have taken this step.

    SEL personnel was hospitable and friendly. The whole event was well-organized.
