Saturday, August 21, 2021


Harvest concluded on neighboring fields yesterday

Some change! Not even a week ago we were wearing shorts, sipping icy drinks, and sleeping on top of the sheets. The weather began to cool noticeably on Tuesday (Aug.17), and last night (Friday, Aug. 21) the big storm hit, finally raining enough to alleviate the danger of wildfire. This morning I’ve made a pot of hot spicy herbal tea.

Mike made this trail through the stubble for our hikes.

Mike opines that it will be warm again, though from the looks of the forecast, not this next week. The predicted lows are in the 40s with highs in the mid-70s. It might get to 80 by next weekend. I think the triple-digit highs are over for the season. I say, let the autumn celebration begin. Pumpkin pie, anyone? (But first we have to finish the strawberries.)

Central Ridge from the west side of the north field

We were in town for two days (Tues/Wed, Aug. 17-18), where we pursued an agenda of shopping, errands, and a meeting. Tuesday afternoon we shopped Costco for a new TV for the farmhouse, choosing a Samsung 50”, the largest that would fit on the designated wall.

Besides getting groceries and supplies, I also shopped JoAnn’s for fabric to finish the puff quilt for Little Guy. It was my second unsuccessful effort to find the appropriate fabric in the local market, and I was discouraged. But when I got home, I checked my stash and found some yardage that will work. When all else fails, check what you already have on hand.

Thursday morning (Aug. 19) we drove back to the farm and set to work immediately to install the new TV. We removed the old TV from the chest-type entertainment cabinet and carefully pushed the cabinet around the corner into the den. Now it will serve as storage for Mike’s motorcycle accessories, etc. Then we pulled the new TV from the box. 

Fog in the canyon -- a welcome sign of moisture

Once we had connected all the cords, we spent about two hours scratching our heads and swearing because we couldn’t get it to move beyond the start-up screen. Mike made phone calls while I searched the internet for help. Finally, it occurred to us that maybe we should exchange the provided off-brand batteries in the remote for our own Duracells. Sure enough! Success!

Fog over the river canyon to the north

The farmer finished harvesting at the neighbor’s yesterday, and now that harvest is officially over in the immediate neighborhood, I must de-clutter and dust. KW


  1. We got no rain. :-( I don't know how many times this summer the forecast has been for rain here, but somehow it just never shows up. Glad you got some! I am, however, loving this much cooler weather! I'm with you--let fall begin! Yes to pumpkin everything!!

  2. We had a rain storm last night that caused us to have to clean up water in the bathrooms (the west side of the house). However, I was just thinking that in reality it didn't amount to much -- not as much as we could use. Reading the forecast, Mike thought it might rain all day today. It barely rained at all.

    But the much cooler temps are energizing.
