Sunday, December 12, 2021


 As usual, I had treats on the tree for all, mostly sugared popcorn as they all voted it best for before dinner consumption. – Ina, 1935

Ina is busy today. First, she had attended Sunday school where Bertha presented a well-thought-out program on the wisemen and their gifts to the Christ child. Back at home, Ina made quick work of dinner and set to work on her cards and letters. Ina wrote long personal letters to family members and friends. That’s what we did back in the day.


So, since Ina is busy, let’s talk about popcorn some more. Years ago, I made Karo Krazy Krunch using the following recipe. I think it probably appeared in Karo ads in the ‘70s, but I got it from my sister Nina (1937-1984) The stuff was to die for in my estimation. I was my own best customer! Then one thing and another came to pass and add years to the mix and suddenly eating popcorn wasn’t such a good idea. (Maybe it never was.) I haven’t made it in years, but what I wouldn’t give for a clump or two this holiday season!

Karo Krazy Krunch

2 qts popped corn

1 1/3 c pecans

2/3 c almonds

1 1/3 c sugar

1 c butter

1 tsp vanilla

½ c light Karo syrup

Mix popped corn and nuts on a cookie sheet. Combine sugar, butter, and Karo in a 1 ½ qt. saucepan. Bring to a boil over medium heat, stirring constantly. Boil, stirring occasionally, 10-15 minutes or until mixture turns a light caramel color. Remove from heat. Stir in vanilla. Pour over popped corn and nuts, mix to coat well. Spread to dry. Break apart, store in tightly covered container. Makes about 2 pounds.

Note: Nina made 1 ½ times the recipe of syrup for about 3 gallons of popped corn. Cover and heat in oven at 200 degrees for an hour.


  1. Question. The original recipe calls for two quarts of popcorn which is 1/2 a gallon. Nina did 1 1/2 times the syrup for three gallons of popcorn which is six times as much as the recipe called for? Am I reading that right?

  2. Hi Chris!
    LOL -- I don't wonder that you question that. Three quarts would make more sense, but that's not what I wrote down. It's been a long time since I made this recipe -- and even longer since I wrote the recipe card -- and all I can say is that I popped plenty of corn but probably not 3 gallons. In reality two quarts of popcorn isn't very much, and I know that Nina prepared large batches of food to take to their cabin.

    I found this recipe online, though not at the Karo website. Some posted 3 quarts of popcorn rather than two.

    It would have been just like Nina to skimp on the syrup, though. She was frugal, and I say that with affection. I remember that she made hot chocolate with what I considered just a touch of cocoa powder.

  3. Also -- to continue and go on, as Ina would say -- I have another delicious recipe of similar proportions (1 cup butter, 1/2 cup Karo) that calls for 8 qts popcorn. That's two gallons, so maybe maybe Nina's idea worked -- 1 1/2 times the recipe to 3 gallons. Keeps you busy popping corn, though.

  4. Sounds like maybe Nina liked her popcorn not so sweet and sticky, and maybe her frugalness played into that, too. The bottom line is whatever works for the cook and the family. Thanks for the clarification!

  5. Well put, Chris. Obviously, I couldn't have said it better. It's up to the cook.
