Wednesday, January 19, 2022


Naturalized daffodils in the grove on the farm, 2020

I had planned to make an immediate start with my sewing after the first of the year, but the first week was lost to a cold, and I've been playing catch-up ever since. 

It's the winter. The most exciting thing Mike and I have done is to finally plant my huge order of spring bulbs. He dug trenches in the garden bed on the west side of the house, and I tucked them in. He insisted on helping me, saying that if we worked together, we could make quick work of it, and he was right. I’d probably still be out there if he hadn’t dug the trenches. Hopefully, the bulbs will come up and bloom, and then I can transplant to the farm at my leisure next fall – and the fall after that – and the fall after that . . .

I had a meeting yesterday, so Mike took on the challenge of digging the little VW GTI out of the garage. In the midst of the snow challenge, we didn’t drive it, so we didn’t care that snow accumulated in front of its door. Then with the freeze thaw of subsequent days, that berm turned to ice. It took some effort to break it away. The streets are clear now, so the GTI is adequate transportation once again.

And today, since I could, I went to JoAnn’s for some leisurely shopping. The initial impression was spring, but I was there to check out holiday clearance. Even with the 70% discount, some items were still more than I would pay. KW


  1. I've been noticing that Christmas clearance happens before Christmas anymore. The retailers really don't want to be stuck with that stuff.

  2. That's right -- and I don't want to be stuck with it either. I found a lovely wreath but decided I just didn't want to store it for a year.

  3. Spring must be coming. We've heard the geese honking overhead for the past two days! Can't believe it's already the 21st of January.

  4. I hope I wasn't too late in planting my daffodils! Is geese overhead a sign of spring? Mike hiked the golf course this morning and said that geese sign is everywhere. He wonders how they will clean it up. (Not a great topic of conversation but -- well, they DO make a mess.)

    And you're right. January is melting into February even as we speak.
