Sunday, March 13, 2022


If you’re old enough (and you’d probably have to be at least 60), you might remember the old radio and early television series, “Death Valley Days,” sponsored by 20 Mule Team Borax and Boraxo. I remember that my mother had a box of 20 Mule Team Borax under the sink, and my grandfather kept a can of Boraxo, a powdered hand cleaner, on his bathroom sink. Somehow the name, “20 Mule Team Borax,” captured my imagination because I understood neither the mule team nor the product.

Anyway – I digress. Mike and Clint left this morning at 7:00 PDT for Death Valley. They loaded Clint’s utility trailer with two XT250s and lots of other stuff, and whatever happens with them is their story. This is my story – and Bess’s.

Bess knew as soon as she got up that Mike was leaving, and she wanted to go, too. Clearly, she prefers Mike’s company to mine. She followed him out to the pick-up, and he had to bring her back to the house where she promptly curled into a little ball on her pillow and went to sleep. She knows for sure now that she is here with me, and she doesn’t like it. I don’t particularly like it either, though I’m fine with staycating.

“What will you do while I’m gone,” Mike asked, and I declined to say. I know he thought I was being evasive, but I’d rather say what I did than what I’m going to do. Frankly, if I do nothing at all – with the exception of caring for Bess, that is – that’s just fine.

And of course, there will be gifts. Just managing Bess warrants rewards. Two gifts arrived early – my first issue of “Doll Castle News” and a packet of quilting fat quarters in 1930’s reproduction prints. The watering can was delivered today. I plan to keep it near the sink to save cold water

I went shopping this morning – Walmart, JoAnn’s, and Albertson’s. Sticker shock everywhere! 

After shopping and walking Bess three times, I finished the day having met my Fitbit goal of more than 10,000 steps – unusual for me. KW


  1. Just seeing the trailer and truck feels like an adventure! I wish them safe travels.

    Those are lovely fabrics.

    Where will the cold water that you're saving come from?

  2. Mike called this evening to check on Bess. They found a barbecue place for supper, so he was happy. It will be in the 20s in the morning, but they'll be in the pick-up.

    I like the fabrics, and the quality is nice, too.

    It takes so long for the water to come in hot, and so I thought I could fill a pot or two rather than let it run down the drain. it's a nice water can -- just not very big.

  3. I hope Mike is able to go to Borax and see the 20 mule team wagons and mine. It is an interesting side trip. That's a bigger trailer than I thought, and enclosed, which is great. They are ready for any situation. I wish them much fun and safety.

  4. There's a place called Borax? Well, I hope he goes there, too. Mike's winter activity has been researching this trip, and he has encouraged Clint to research as well. They visited with a local rider who has ridden there and shared his opinions of what they should see. They will make use of every minute to take in the sites.

    Clint has had that trailer for about ten years and uses it when he camps. He was telling me that he keeps it stocked with various items useful in the wilderness. They probably won't need that stuff, but I suppose it's an extra layer of emergency provisions. It's a "guy" adventure, and I'm glad to be here.

  5. We did ride through "20 Mule Team Canyon" and had our picnic lunch there. It was pretty cool. Closest thing I saw named Borax although there's plenty at Badwater where we visited.

  6. This vacationing girl is late to the party, but I applaud your decision to not reveal your plans (or lack of them!). And our water takes forever to warm, too, except when I've just started the dishwasher. Then it's warm IMMEDIATELY which is a puzzle to me.

  7. Oh, and I forgot to say that I remember all those Borax related things you mentioned, from the TV show to the can of Boraxo at the sink. Also, I'll have to look up that magazine. Never heard of it.

  8. Hi Chris! Welcome home!

    I have a ritual I perform at the kitchen sink as I wait for hotter water. I fill Bess' water bucket and the teakettle, and sometimes even then it isn't hot. Once the water is hot, I run water in the sink and maybe run the dishwasher. I wonder if your dishwasher links directly to the hot water tank.

    I had never heard of that magazine either, and it's been published since 1961. The current issue has a pattern for 14.5-inch doll designed by Erin Hentzel.
