Thursday, March 17, 2022


It was 31 this morning, and I lit a cheery fire in the little stove. Tending fires is Mike’s job, and he worried about my ability to cope, but I assured him that I really can start a fire. Now, if the pilot on the hot water heater were to go out – as it does from time to time – I’d be stuck, but even in that case, I remember how we coped “back in the day” by heating water on the stove.

Today I reorganized my quilting fabrics, making use of the Art Bin “double deep super satchels” that I bought yesterday. I almost panicked as I realized how my love of fat quarters and charm packs has morphed into a collection of dreams, but then I assured myself that it’s just my stash and it IS wonderful.

And look what came today! The two fabric panels, Volumes 1 and 3, of the Mary Englebreit Mother Goose books! I couldn’t believe it! I just ordered them on Tuesday. That was excellent service from Etsy seller, Obie’s Fabrics and More – and also from USPS. I hastened to wash the panels and by suppertime I had cut them out and ordered the pages so that I can sew tomorrow.

I’m not sure if these books are for Silas or his parents. I suspect they were tired of reading the same nursery rhymes from Volume 2. Perhaps they have yet to realize that children love repetition. But that’s okay because I’m glad to contribute to their education.

And I received another gift, too – a packet of white charm squares -- (You can never have enough charm squares!) – and some of those fancy decorative zippers that sew on the outside. Why did it take forever for someone to come up with THAT idea?

I only had 9,000 steps yesterday, but today Bess and I had a longer afternoon walk, plus I made many trips to the storage shed. I will finish this day with 11,000+ steps. KW


  1. Oh, even with additions to Silas’ little library there will still be lots of repetition! I might be making this up, but he seems to like books with words. The ones for little babies that are just a word and a picture don’t hold his attention as well. Maybe he likes listening to our voices.

  2. No, I don't think it's your imagination. When I was reading to babies, I also thought they preferred some words, and I do think they like to hear the voices with which they are familiar.

  3. Did you get your zippers from Missouri Star? I've noticed them using them and they look like fun!

  4. Yes, the zippers are from Missouri Star. I hope to learn to put zipper closures in doll clothes. I just have yet to take the time to experiment.
